Showing posts 2671 - 2685 of 2812

The Road to Salvation

Jan 3, 2022, 2:40pm by Winteroak

Last entries from the field journal of Iker Pahadron, High Sword of Vastad, during the Noctua Inquisition Day 2035 - Six long years of blood and sacrifice have led us to this pl ...

The Furrow and the Plow

Jan 2, 2022, 9:19pm by Esimed

All were welcome and encouraged to celebrate The Fall Festival, but at the core of the carousing were themes of agriculture, harvest and the generative capacity for passion among any and all ...


Jan 2, 2022, 7:49pm by Omni

Cowritten with Winteroak The night was full of music, food, and discussion but Voah paced herself on the food and drink, for she was more interested in indulging other things this ...


Jan 1, 2022, 9:56pm by Winteroak

Timestamp: Lowood - Drunken Hare - Evening The Knight suppressed a grin when the younger bearded man from Kru'll sat in front to him challenging him to a contest of strength. He wo ...

A Fool’s Challenge

Jan 1, 2022, 7:48pm by LucianNepreen

The appearance of Sir Zane gained some looks from Tarmen’s crew, particularly the newly assigned guards and soldiers. Just what they needed, the righteous knight breathing down their necks ...


Jan 1, 2022, 5:55pm by Winteroak

Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep Great Hall - Evening The Duke looked at the scholar and smiled. "Ah, Master Blackwolf. I'm pleased you've decided to join us. I trust you are enjoying ...

Wolf at the Keep Great Hall

Jan 1, 2022, 3:02pm by red_sword7

Time stamp: Stoneshade Keep Great Hall - Evening Wolf walks into the Great Hall with the sounds of music, booming laughter, and loud conversations. He did not see many people in the Hall ...

Lay of the sea

Dec 31, 2021, 7:58pm by Winteroak

Timestamp: East of Ostiarium, nearby beach It had been touch and go for Till. Stay behind in Arcadia and see what it had to offer someone like him or go back with the departing shi ...


Dec 31, 2021, 10:27am by Zeeke

Wim knew his place and played his role as a loyal young Nobel. He made the appropriate small talk, kissed the appropriate hand, and watched what was going on around him. In the city of 800 p ...

A Tale Of Two Flowers

Dec 30, 2021, 5:08pm by Jaxx

Timestamp: Drunken Hare, Lowood - Evening Hunter watched as the mixture of soldiers gathered in the Drunken Hare to collect their drinks and snacks. They all seemed to have a comr ...

Presenting a Present

Dec 30, 2021, 4:18pm by Omni

Joint post between Winteroak + Omni “Good evening, Friar.”Voah feigned interest. “I trust the festival has gone well for you?” "Oh, yes yes. Wonderful, my dear. Nothing like a ...

A night to remember

Dec 30, 2021, 5:58am by Bandorchu

Well, getting picked up by the Knight of Salos himself to join a growing crowd of soldiers had been kind of unexpected. Wasn’t he supposed to be up in the keep with the fancy folk? B ...

Into the Night

Dec 30, 2021, 3:26am by Winteroak

Timestamp: Drunken Hare, Lowood - Evening Sir Zane walked into the Druken Hare with a handful of his newer recruits and a few of the older soldiers that much preferred the roughnes ...

Making An Entrance

Dec 29, 2021, 11:07pm by Omni

Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep Great Hall - Evening The noble led the Arbiter into the Great Hall when their names were called, locked at the arm, she was carrying with her the trunk t ...

Booze and Honor for Hoi

Dec 29, 2021, 7:00pm by LucianNepreen

With the festival ‘officially’ starting at sundown, Tarmen had been quick to join the crowd. With such a small population, it wasn’t hard to find his crew and begin to enjoy the atmosp ...

Showing posts 2671 - 2685 of 2812