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View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur
Wim knew his place and played his role as a loyal young Nobel. He made the appropriate small talk, kissed the appropriate hand, and watched what was going on around him. In the city of 800 people, a majority of the powers would be present here. These were not the real movers and shakes, but the puppet masters and Wim understood that.
The lady Arbiter was a wonderful distraction to have around. They say a man becomes less intelligent in the presence of a beautiful woman, it also meant that they would let small details slip and that was what he was listening for.
Sir Zane was not present and that indicated that the relationship between them was strained. A servant said, “Sir Zane was an arrogant, pompous ass and did not always consider the Duke in his decisions.” When he asked if he had made an appearance.
Much of the evening, he followed in Voah’s wake enjoying the ripple. He made a point of staying near Voah when the Duke approached. No need to have any of those nasty fielty conversations or have to talk about his father and family loyalty. He down played the Drunken Hare incident as a miss understanding that would soon be rectified.
As the evening went along he made his offering to Hoi in a deep physical conversation with two women of station (Meaning not the staff). The first was in the Duke’s library in a big leather chair. The second was in one of the bedrooms one floor up from the party. His plan was to learn more about who had contact with the natives and start to determine what knight was involved. But the girls were more interested in the conversation at hand then his words.
He remained a gentleman and tried to maintain their honor. He also did not want to be married off or have a knight run him through with a sword.