
Timestamp: Lowood - Drunken Hare - Evening

The Knight suppressed a grin when the younger bearded man from Kru'll sat in front to him challenging him to a contest of strength. He would always face such challenges while confratarnizing with his troops. But Sir Zane wouldn't have it any other way, although he was close to his 60's now. One of these days he would have to retire and the comradery of such moments would be gone forever.
"Seems a bit unsporting to challenge a old drunken man to show off to this lot..." He started but moved forward in his chair. "I could be your pops, son..." Some snickering and laughter followed.

"I tell you what jungle man, I will take on your challenge. The loser owes the other man a favour. What say you?"

Tarmen nodded grunting and set his arm awaiting for Sir Zane's hand. His lips with a devilish grin and his jaw set in readiness.The Knight of Salos took a last gulp of his drink emptying his flagon of ale.

Both men clasped hands with a audible clap and started pushing against one another immediately. Tarmen was the youngest of the two and likely the stronger. He would have the advantage of stamina as well if the contest lasted more than a few heartbeats. But Sir Zane was built like a brick house with broad shoulders and barrel chest.
All around them the other soldiers and patrons rushed to lay bets on the outcome.

Tarmen pushed against Zane's arm with all his might but the older man conserved his strength by simply resisting. Both men set of arm and neck muscles, bulged as the table below them groaned with the strain.

Ten heartbeats into the fight Zane allowed his arm to be pushed back almost completely towards the table. Tarmen assured of victory shifted his weight slightly but relaxed his grip for a split second, at which point the Knight blew the contents of his mouth into the tracker's face. It was all it took, a moment of surprise and jerking back, and the older man pushed his arm all the way across to pin his opponents hand beneath his.

A few cheers went up but immediately a hush descended on the Hare as Tarmen wiped his face slowly.

"You cheated old man..." He growled.
"You looked thirsty." Zane replied with a grin. Tarmen erupted with laughter after few tense seconds.
"Not bad for a bloody noble...."
The Knight laughed and poured the man a drink calling for another round, as the Drunken Hare sighed a breath of relief and went back to partying.

< Prev : A Fool’s Challenge Next > : Indulgence