New games and ale
Jan 12, 2022, 9:44pm
Wim sat watching the entertainment unfold from the party appearing indifferent. It did clearly show the chain of command and each had an important roll. He wanted to appear safe and he made ...
Grey Mouth Camp pt2
Jan 12, 2022, 1:31pm
Timestamp: Odsier Winter Pastures - Grey Mouth camp
Hunter was a bit concerned by the way the holy woman tried to butter up the guide with an apple. He was not sure how it was viewed by ...
Grey Mouth Camp
Jan 11, 2022, 4:48am
Timestamp: Odsier Winter Pastures - Grey Mouth camp
After a couple of days you finally reach your destination. The sun is getting low over the horizon. Several hundred heads of car ...
Jan 11, 2022, 3:47am
JP with Esimed, Winteroak, Bandorchu and Lucian.
Timestamp: Plains North of Ostiarium
The four of you walk into the glow and warmth of the fire and sit on the hides and p ...
Meeting On the Plains
Jan 10, 2022, 6:54pm
Before meeting the Grey Mouth escort, the party made sure to get some answers, without being annoying with Jab and Rash, picking up what information they could of the Grey Mouth tribe, learn ...
Jan 10, 2022, 6:15am
Timestamp: Grasslands West of Ostiarium
A few days after you pass that strange wooden structures, you wake up to find that three riders approach your camp. Jab and Rash recognise o ...
Jan 10, 2022, 12:07am
Hunter looked at the stakes and wooden posts decorated with the animal skulls and painted in bright colors. He had seen similar décor in the past on some of his prior jobs. Some of the ga ...
Jan 9, 2022, 11:23pm
Saddled atop her horse, Litany, the Arbiter pulled her clothes a little tighter as the wind kicked up. She gazed out at the wooden structures in the distance. She wasn’t keen on inspectin ...
Into the night
Jan 9, 2022, 3:10pm
JP with Esimed, Winteroak, Bandorchu and Lucian.
Timestamp: Plains north of Ostiarium
Sir Zane strained in the fading light to make out the bonfire in the distance and t ...
Bow strings and buckles
Jan 8, 2022, 5:51pm
Joint post with Jaxx
During the ride Wim approaches Hunter and asks, “Would you look at this bow for me and see if there is something that can be adjusted? It seems to send the arrows a ...
An Odd Crew - II
Jan 7, 2022, 8:56pm
Timestamp: Plains North of Ostiarium - Night prior to the beating drums and huge bonfire
The night of their second day of traveling, while gathered round the fire after making camp ...
Jan 7, 2022, 2:50pm
Timestamp: Grasslands West of Ostiarium
You make good progress towards where Jab and Rash tell you are supposed to meet your Grey Mouth contact, that will lead you to their tribe. ...
A Short Rest
Jan 7, 2022, 11:11am
Voah took this chance to start conversation with the other party members.
"If all goes to Zin with this trade and we find ourselves at odds against the Odsier tribes or wildlife, I think ...