Characters in this post

View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Boyce Blackwolf

View character profile for: Hunter
Bow strings and buckles
Joint post with Jaxx
During the ride Wim approaches Hunter and asks, “Would you look at this bow for me and see if there is something that can be adjusted? It seems to send the arrows a little high and to the right. That seems strange since I am right handed. Maybe when we get back you might teach me to make a better bow and some arrows?”
Wim was not an expert archer but he would hit his target most of the time. He was half expecting Hunter to tell him to bugger off.
Hunter seemed annoyed that the arrogant noble would ask for a lesson. Then asked Wim to shoot an arrow at a target and watched his form and approach.
Wim draws aims a little a little to the left and down from the target and lets it fly. The arrow fly’s true and just grazes the target.
Wim looks at Hunter and said, “I am having to aim off my knuckle and not the bow.”
So far on the trip, this is the only thing Wim did not make sport of.
“I know I am not good enough to be an archer and would probably starve if I had to hunt for my self,” he said. It was the closest thing of saying, I know you are better at this than I am and asking for help.
Hunter took the bow from Wim and examined it as he looked at the curve and string then took one of Wim's arrows and fired it at the target. The arrow hit the target, but it was off by four inches to the left and up five inches.
He then looked at Wim as he replied, "The problem lies in your poor training and a warped bow. "
Hunter returned the bow to Wim as he continued to explain, "When you aim the arrow, you must look down the shaft of the arrow and then adjust distance and for the flaws in the bow and arrows. If you want to shoot farther you aim a bit higher and if you shoot to the side you aim a bit to the side to compensate. It will get harder to adjust for wind as well."
Then Hunter looked at Wim who lacked proper training and definition, then replied, "If you are serious about this you should have been training for ten years to over come this issue. What I tell you now won't do much where we are going. For now you are better off using tricks and throwing rocks from the holy woman."
As they rode on Wim sat in the wagon restitching part of his armor’s straps. The threads had broken which meant the armor shifted more than it should when he moved. If he would have thought about it, he might have believed the quartermaster may have wanted him to die out there or Sir Zane.
Wim found it a good opportunity to practice a skill he had a little training in and to stay out of the way, so he worked. No one yelled at him to put his armor back on.
Armor made you stink, it held the sweat and moisture against the body. Wim hated to stink and so wanted a hot bath. But he was not going to give the party the satisfaction of complaining. He was doing this for reasons: magick, adventure, trade goods that could be sent home. He would have added exotic women to the list, but the campfire stories made that seem like a bad idea.
He was more worried about breaking some custom and ending up married. It could make a cultural bridge between them. It would be a notoriety, that would leave his father speechless.
He smiled a Voah as she approached.