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View character profile for: Wim Riese

View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

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View character profile for: Hunter
New games and ale
Wim sat watching the entertainment unfold from the party appearing indifferent. It did clearly show the chain of command and each had an important roll. He wanted to appear safe and he made a major effort not to send any signals that he was a threat. Everyone else was wearing their weapons openly, he left his on the wagon. He had the dagger in his sleeve, one is his boot, and one tucked in his shirt. But nothing blatantly obvious.
Win got up and rolled the cask on the back of the wagon then tapped the bunghole with a tap so the ale could be served without much of a mess.
He gave himself a tanker and tasted it. It had a bit of a Smokey flavor but it was better than road dust and stale water. He then brought the tanker to the native that had been negotiating with the group. He rationed what he gave his party and freely poured for the natives. He served any that came, smiling at each and nodding. Trust was the important commodity he was trying to build it.
When the queue slowed down he picked up nine stones that looked white and nine that looked black. He drew a tic-tac-toe board then took four steps back and sat down.
He picked up a black rock and gently tossed it landing in a square. He continued doing this then picked up the stones, smoothed the squares and went and sat down and did the same thing with the white stones. If two ended up in a square or if he missed a square he changed colors and moved to the other side. He hoped some of the natives would take an interest and join him. If so he would make the game be close and let them win most of the time.
He was teaching them a game he just made up on the fly. He smiled and winked at the children that would sneak peeks out of the tents and paid little or no attention to the native women. Well, as much as a single man could. Wim liked children, they tend to trust you.
All his plans and dreams needed him to make friends with these natives. Friends normally trade fairly, exchange information, and knowledge. Friends normally did not try to kill you in your sleep, well most of his friends at least.
“I’ll take first,” he said indicating that he would take the first watch. Noting that the guards were happy to tap the ale.
In the morning, he would be the clown for the children, juggling and doing tricks. He also brought a bag of sugar candy with him. Wim had learned early that if you show someone you like their children, their parents tend to like you.