The News
Feb 17, 2022, 4:20pm
Markus, as per usual, was busy hammering at his anvil far before any of his fellow smiths were awake, as they all seem to find very creative excuses to work as little as possible. Markus pou ...
Solution to Sunscald
Feb 17, 2022, 3:00pm
The air was heavy, saturated with moisture from the ground, root systems, and fungal network. It would be unbearable if not for the hollow wooden tubes that pierced through ground nearby eac ...
Going Up
Feb 17, 2022, 2:58pm
"Let us press on. We can investigate this shaft after we finish our inspection of the ship." Voah handed the torc back to Tarmen. She would keep her eye on him to see if he used it and what ...
Feb 17, 2022, 8:45am
Timestamp: Ostiarium - Lowood
Markus - You are busy at the forge as you have have been lately when Orel Romus, the towns' master blacksmith calls you away from your duties. ...
No Pressure
Feb 16, 2022, 11:26pm
Carving the same rune into the tree, where the original one was, simply led to much less sap bleeding from the cuts. It was not what he was hoping would happen. Then again, Gonyaul wasn't re ...
A busy morning
Feb 16, 2022, 10:14pm
The rhythmic pounding of a hammer on iron pierced the early morning silence. The ping of the hammer helped Markus to enter a trance like state, allowing h ...
To the Belly
Feb 16, 2022, 9:14pm
Joint post with Bandorchu, Omni, Jaxx, and LucianNepreen
When first light came to awaken the camp, Alexis did some light stretching to loosen her tense muscles. She checked in with Tarmen ...
Omen & bargains
Feb 16, 2022, 6:47pm
JP with Cindy, Zeeke and Winteroak
Timestamp: Ostiarium forests - Night
Deciding to ride with Wim, when they came across the camp Islana was unsure but Hendrick's decisio ...
Feb 16, 2022, 2:18pm
Sentinel Island Camp - Morning
Till watched as the others left to go and explore the wreck and once again was grateful Alexis did not press him to join. All sailors were superstiti ...
Peculiar Tree Rune
Feb 16, 2022, 10:58am
When he woke the next morning, Gonyaul could see the sun just starting to peek up over the horizon. He signed with his hands to the sun ~Good morning~ before carefully climbing down the tree ...
Strange Rune
Feb 16, 2022, 6:33am
Timestamp: Ostiarium forest -
Gonyaul - Y wake early the next morning, just before the rising sun to start your trek back to the farm, something catches your attention from ...
A Refreshing Evening
Feb 15, 2022, 3:20pm
It took Gonyaul an hour and a half of trekking beyond the secure boundaries of Ostiarium's colony to get to his hideaway spot. He found it months ago during one of his many exploratory hikes ...
The forest
Feb 15, 2022, 8:21am
Ostiarium forests - Night time
Hendrik led the others away from the clearing trying to put some distance betwwen the bodies and themselves. He also wanted to keep Wim close by. Th ...