Dead end
Mar 17, 2022, 6:16pm
JP between Cindy, Bandorchu, Lorem and Winteroak.
The laughter died down and the other farmhands all seemed rather grateful for some merriment, it was a reprieve from the dire situ ...
The Forager’s Warning
Mar 17, 2022, 12:57pm
JP with Alexis, Jiyn, Islana and Gonyaul
The questioning was underway. Alexis had found a way to get the resistant man to talk despite his initial refrains. Even if she may deny it, it wa ...
The Church is for the Broken
Mar 17, 2022, 5:25am
JP with Hunter, Voah and Friar Jassin
After breakfast and a lot of convincing by the twins, Hunter put on his coat and one crutch to use as a walking stick for support. He was now able ...
Questioning the Forager
Mar 17, 2022, 4:49am
JP with Jiyn, Islana, Alexis and Gonyaul
Gonyaul looked to the heavens as the sound of thunder bludgeoned the air. The temperature noticeably dropped lower. Rain drops began falling in ...
Getting Some Air
Mar 16, 2022, 11:29pm
“Children of the Void…” Voah said aloud to herself. She liked that. Someone like that could be most useful here in Arcadia. If only she had that power herself. How was this the first s ...
Found the Forager
Mar 16, 2022, 9:49pm
JP with Jiyn, Alexis, Islana and Gonyaul
After a few rounds around the closest farms the investigation group finally finds the forager they were looking for. He is sitting outside a large ...
The Games Afoot
Mar 16, 2022, 6:22pm
JP with Alexis and Gonyaul:
Gonyaul had many different types of low level, humble, jobs over the past seven years. Different locations, people, professions all in the pursuit of what he c ...
Flashback: Hold every thought captive
Mar 16, 2022, 6:07pm
Time stamp: Seven months ago during a meditation session.
Gonyaul had been meditating for a few hours. Cognitive thoughts had melted away leaving behind a trance like state of visceral e ...
Mar 16, 2022, 5:33pm
Ostiarum forests - logging camp evening
Tarmen - Not really happy at having been reassigned you milk your recovery time for a it's worth so you don't have go report to the s ...
Mar 16, 2022, 5:19pm
Timestamp: Ostiarium farms - Afternoon
Alexis, Islana, Gonyaul and Jiyn - You leave Cagliostro's Apotechary and head out to one of the farms where you hope your guide is w ...
Secrets of the sap
Mar 16, 2022, 8:50am
Jp with Cindy, Strangetides, Lorem and Bandorchu
Islana nodded, "The foragers came across human remains in the woods. They also found a man there, who they brought back, that was ra ...
No Rest for the Wicked
Mar 15, 2022, 10:08pm
Tarmen could now say without a doubt that he hated it here.
“Reassigned,” the missive had said. Some steaming pile of Honor and Loyalty followed, but all he payed attention to was his ...
Children of the Void
Mar 15, 2022, 6:00pm
Excerpt from Saint Iker Pahadron field journal 'Road to Salvation'.
"After weeks of protracted war against the Coven of Ushal, and as our destination, the cyclopean gates of Muront ...