Showing posts 2146 - 2160 of 2814

New Season, New Approach

Apr 26, 2022, 3:23pm by Cindy

The masts from the ships could be seen from where Islana stood, watching as they came into port. She wasn't quite at the docks but close enough. New ships meant another chance that Vasan ...

New Arrivals

Apr 26, 2022, 9:01am by Winteroak

Ostiarium harbour Alcuin - Finally, after a month at sea, in the confined decks and holds of the ship, you almost cannot believe when you see land. Yours is the first vesse ...

Day in the Life - Apothecary / Chirurgen

Apr 25, 2022, 8:52pm by Strangetides

Nicolaus was awake well before dawn. He rose and stretched before lighting a candle and making his way over to the copper boiler and lighting its brazier. He ate a small meal of dried fruit ...

The Wisdom

Apr 25, 2022, 5:13pm by Kronos

The boat shook and rattled in the chaos of the storm. The bounty hunter sat quietly flicking through a ledger. The smell of damp sea decayed wood lingered in the cabins. After going through ...

Spring - Nicolaus

Apr 25, 2022, 1:45pm by Strangetides

Nicolaus Cagliostro exited his shop and soaked in the bright Spring sunshine of the Plaza for a moment. Ostiarium was alive with activity, suffused with the tangible excitement of release fr ...


Apr 25, 2022, 1:13pm by Omni

Voah brought Hunter to a large pit of sand in the rectory gardens for training. “The first step of faith is knowing the Gods. Sadly, we can never truly know them as we don’t walk with ...

Mission accomplished

Apr 25, 2022, 2:06am by Bandorchu

Alexis sat by the fire, equipped with a bucket of cold water, some cloth and a few onions she had the foresight to procure. Patiently treating her ‘battle wounds’, her lips were sligh ...

To Bee or Not to Bee

Apr 25, 2022, 12:10am by Lorem

Gonyaul bowed goodbye in thanks to Boyce, who had just been so kind as to help him fill the outdoor wooden tub with well water for a bath. Gonyaul's hands were painfully inflamed, limiting t ...

Bees, Mud and Other Thoughts

Apr 24, 2022, 9:10pm by Cindy

Apparently, Islana's sheer presence didn't have the same effect on bees as some other animals. Not that she thought it would but it would have been an added benefit, or maybe it would have ...

Around the Fire: A Wolf and Bees

Apr 24, 2022, 3:47pm by Lorem

JP: Alexis, Gonyaul, Islana and Boyce. Wolf sat and thought about how he was going to ask the questions he had to Alexis. The point about the duke was true. Wolf was glad to see he was ...

Talking On The Trail

Apr 23, 2022, 10:52pm by LucianNepreen

JP with Lucian and Wim Wim quickly found out when the patrol was leaving to go north to the new mining operation in Aquilo. The place would be no more than a shanty town but he needed to ...

Call to War

Apr 23, 2022, 9:09am by Winteroak

Arcadia - Mountains of Fang When the Spring arrived and the ices started to melt and the frozen slopes thawed, Fang's valleys and canyons were transformed. Long twisting riverways ...

Around the Fire: Decisions

Apr 23, 2022, 3:52am by Lorem

JP: Alexis, Gonyaul, Wolf, Islana Gonyaul smiled, feeling honored by both their requests. Even though he was already friends with Alexis he still felt reserved about this. He felt all ...

Around the Fire: Who is Wolf?

Apr 23, 2022, 2:07am by Lorem

JP with Alexis, Wolf, Islana, Gonyaul: Gonyaul enjoyed just being in the presence of the current company. Providence had turned a detour of trials and tribulation into an enjoyable destin ...

Around The Fire Alexis's house

Apr 22, 2022, 9:49pm by red_sword7

Wolf had been working where needed. Now sitting with his back against the log by the fire pit and just watching the others interact. Wolf took a bite of the deer meat it is so much better th ...

Showing posts 2146 - 2160 of 2814