A Passionate Dream
May 11, 2022, 11:37pm
It was early morning and the others were already up, or in the process of doing so. Gonyaul was in the last stages of a deep sleep. He was face down on his stomach unmoving; however, one cou ...
Morning Hunt
May 11, 2022, 10:01pm
The talk with Boyce had left Islana with even more to think about. The young woman had long given up the slightest idea that her life would ever be, for lack of a better word, normal a lon ...
Miner Negotiations
May 11, 2022, 4:45pm
Having no support so far for further exploration, Tarmen was a bit crestfallen as he ventured to where the native workers were supposed to be. One way or another, he needed men in the mine. ...
Catch and Release
May 11, 2022, 4:27pm
Alcuin woke groggy and disoriented. He noticed that his sense of sight was obstructed by a blindfold. His taste buds were salivating up against a cloth rag stuffed into his mouth. He could t ...
Letting Someone New In (Part 2)
May 11, 2022, 1:48pm
JP with Redsword and Cindy
Boyce stared at Islana for a moment, he was stunned by what Islana said. He pulled out a hanky and handed it to her. It was soft and brown colored and had Wolf ...
Where To Begin?
May 11, 2022, 12:25pm
“Master Norixius, if work is stalled, perhaps I can persuade yourself or some of your workers to build a small shrine or symbol made of stone and iron dedicated to the Pillars. As well as ...
Off Limits
May 11, 2022, 12:15am
JP with Winteroak and Omni
Voah followed Markus into his office. She had an idea of how to conduct her inquiries discreetly here but it would take some time and willing participan ...
Getting Down To Business
May 10, 2022, 11:56pm
JP with Omni, Jaxx, Winteroak, and Zeeke
“Looks like the noble kid is here as well. Should we ask him for information?”
Voah followed Hunter’s eyes to Wim Riese. She smile ...
Letting Someone New In
May 10, 2022, 6:32pm
JP with Redsword and Cindy
Islana had taken third watch. It was difficult to try to keep her mind on the task at hand and not on the numerous things running through her head.
The old ...
Nighttime banter light and heavy
May 10, 2022, 2:22pm
Jp with Lorem and Bandorchu
Not long after everyone had settled down for the night and Alexis took her watchful post, did Gonyaul wake. It wasn’t easy to sleep on his stomach exclusive ...
Talking After The Festivities
May 10, 2022, 3:06am
JP with Bandorchu and Cindy
With all the questions running through her mind, Islana had become completely distracted, losing all track of time. Things that were completely unlike her. ...
Bandaging Gonyaul (Part 2)
May 9, 2022, 10:23pm
JP with Boyce and Gonyaul:
Boyce add water as he took the bandages to soften them and let them come off easier. Taking layer by layer. "You know you should take it easy for a few days or ...
Bandaging Gonyaul (Part 1)
May 9, 2022, 10:20pm
JP with Boyce and Gonyaul:
Gonyaul had a lively bounce in his step. He wanted to start dancing again to be honest. It was tempting, but he knew he shouldn’t. He made tabs with where Ale ...