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View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Boyce Blackwolf

View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro

View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
Bandaging Gonyaul (Part 2)
JP with Boyce and Gonyaul:
Boyce add water as he took the bandages to soften them and let them come off easier. Taking layer by layer. "You know you should take it easy for a few days or you will keep bleeding. To answer your question, both, In ways I love my job all this research. I am also employed by the Library of Orb. With this partnership, I share my research and they pay me for it. I have mostly been trained as a Linguist and Archaeologist mostly." said Boyce taking the last bandage off.
He scooped out some of the ointment on a flat spoon. "this will sting some I would imagine. It's not only for healing but to stop any infections. I think." Boyce informed Gonyaul. placing a thin layer on the lacerations from the luger. Gonyaul flinched some but made no sound. all that training Gonyaul must have endured. It took Boyce back to some of his own training. "I can't help but notice you have your body markings they are almost like hieroglyphs. but know Ink as Boyce runs his finger along one edge of one. May I ask where you got them and how?" Boyce asked with a very respectful tone.
Gonyaul knew Boyce was right, he had overdone it with the dancing. The balm stung on contact, but the tingling sensation began to cool and brought with it relief.
Gonyaul was for the most part still, but the light touch of his finger caused him to flinch slightly and he stifled a gasp. He was ticklish and that was unexpected.
“Got from elders. Take special flower and make ink. Careful to put in skin. Toxin in nectar cause change in color. Leaves behind letter forever.”
Boyce had not heard of this technique before. "Do you know how to perform this technique?" asked Boyce looking at the symbols closer in the torchlight.
“Yes know.” He could do all the stages in the process; however, he was sent off from his people before he had much practice in the calligraphic injecting part.
The symbols looked like works of art, especially if you couldn’t read them. They moved with the natural contours of the body complimenting the human form. Some parts had greater emphasis than others with their size or layout. In all, it was like a large body of content covered him; front and back; starting at the base of his neck and stopping at the knees and elbows.
"Not that I have not seen this in similar tattoo art. But, not like this," commented Boyce. "with your permission I would like to record this technique and put it in the archives of the grate Library of Orb to be preserved for all time. I would do the same for your langue as well." suggested Boyce.
Gonyaul had been thinking on that matter quite seriously since the first time Boyce asked about his language. After much mediation, Gonyaul decided it would be best if he did share, for the very reason Boyce just stated.
“Yes. Need to keep safe before lost forever.” There were less than a hundred of them left as far as he knew. And the near death experience with the Luger made him further realize that if he died, so to would the words go to the grave with him.
Boyce asked Gonyaul to sit and finished the bandages. looking over his chest Boyce looked at one of the markings. The one on Gonyaul's chest just before Boyce wrap him up. Where Gonyaul'a heart is located is a script. Boyce studded it as he bandaged the rest of the injuries. Boyce thought on it and ran several things through his mind what could that script say or mean? with other symbols, nearby "I think this one here this script means benevolence, or is its generosity, perhaps, charity. I am not sure and it will take time to figure out what it means. I have never really seen anything like it." said Boyce.
Gonyaul smiled encouragingly. He traced it with his hand and mouthed, “Generosity”.
Boyce was captivated by this. But all of that would have to come later Gonyaul needed to rest. Boyce tugged on a bandage to make sure it was tight. Also to make it hurt a little so to remind Gonyaul that he is injured. "Now! go and sleep I am serious unless you want to bleed out and die. That is something I do not want to happen Gonyaul." said Boyce standing up.
Boyce had made his point loud and clear. Gonyaul thanked him and went to sleep.