Showing posts 1726 - 1740 of 2814

Truths and Lies

Jun 20, 2022, 1:36pm by Omni

JP with Omni and Lorem Voah blinked away the brief sleep and sat up with her furs. Together they nibbled on the what passed for a post battle meal. One of these days they would have a fea ...

Resisting The Fall

Jun 20, 2022, 11:20am by Cindy

It was the kind of tiredness that comes not just from a lack of sleep for days, but the kind that comes from piled up emotions that went unmentioned. There was just no fighting the exhausti ...


Jun 20, 2022, 10:41am by Cindy

JP with White_Caribou and Cindy Shalia would dwell on the shared energy later. She blinked away the tears of wonderment and steadied herself, looking into the sharp gaze of Kaithak. Islan ...

Return to Me

Jun 20, 2022, 1:36am by Lorem

JP with Voah and Gonyaul: Gonyaul blushed, looked down at himself and smirked. Yes, it was hot and he did look out of season; a fashion mistake. He removed the hooded winter cloak and pla ...

returning home.

Jun 19, 2022, 11:08pm by Zeeke

Wim watched as Sir Zane walked away to get control of the situation. "Well, that is that," he said after watching and listening. His tone was one of finality. Now, this place would be ...

A Gift

Jun 19, 2022, 7:21pm by Omni

JP with Omni and Lorem When the cool cloth touched her skin she winced at first with an abrupt intake of breath, but Gonyaul’s touch was gentle. She heard his whispers… all ...

Washing Away

Jun 19, 2022, 9:42am by Omni

JP with Omni, and Lorem When the aftermath of the battle had been taken care of satisfactorily for the moment, Voah was finally able to get some much needed rest. She was exhausted ...

Bringing up to speed

Jun 18, 2022, 6:55pm by Bandorchu

JP with Winteroak and Bandorchu Once the stragglers had been dealt with and any wounded attackers summarily dispatched Sir Zane wiped the blood from his blade and walked around the settl ...

The Embrace of Oblivion and Gods

Jun 18, 2022, 3:25pm by LucianNepreen

Tarmen was content with his death. It wasn’t how he saw it happening, far from, but he wouldn’t have made any other choice. He just hoped it wasn’t a waste and the others had fought th ...

Window to the Soul

Jun 18, 2022, 1:29pm by White_Caribou

JP with Cindy, Winteroak, and White_Caribou You ride into the warm day of the mountains putting considerable distance between you and the Kumik village. Each mile you ride feels like a ch ...

Aftermath Winding Down

Jun 18, 2022, 12:01pm by Omni

JP with Omni, Lorem, Bandorchu, Zeeke Gonyaul found breathing out and in with the endless expanse of the sky a calming element. Calmer, he sat up slowly and glanced around again fr ...


Jun 18, 2022, 12:00pm by Winteroak

Fang - Kumik Village It had taken him the best part of two days but Malacost was now sure he had found the right tracks now. His mind still kept going back to the war party that ha ...


Jun 17, 2022, 9:47pm by Jaxx

As Hunter was sitting nude on the hot dirt while chained to a rock pillar he had a lot of time to contemplate his life as he licked the blood on and in his mouth. He had a lot of reasons to ...

Aftermath II

Jun 17, 2022, 8:31pm by Omni

JP with Omni, Lorem, Bandorchu, and Zeeke When Alexis found Voah she was sitting near Tarmen just sort of staring off into nothing. Her face looked worn and her eyes tired with dar ...


Jun 17, 2022, 6:05pm by Bandorchu

Jp with Lorem and Bandorchu The poorer ventilation from the back of the tunnel was causing the air to smell increasingly like an overwhelming mixture of sanguine and sweat perfume. Gonya ...

Showing posts 1726 - 1740 of 2814