
Fang - Kumik Village

It had taken him the best part of two days but Malacost was now sure he had found the right tracks now. His mind still kept going back to the war party that had crossed his path, wondering where such a large group was heading. He had seen no banner flying, maybe some stragglers joining the war on the plains. Or maybe just brigands, like the ones that had attacked them on the way to Maru.

These mountains were certainly a lawless place. In fact the whole of Arcadia. A world where a man like Malacost could use his skills and sate his appetites with very little concern about consequences. This job was already taking longer than it should have. He wanted to get these two bounties out of the way. The others could wait. But he didn't want to miss the war in the Plains.

So much fun one could have while men were slaughtering one another. So many playthings... And he wanted to return and serve The Purger. Bask in His glory. He knew a man like Margrave would have need for someone like Malacost and his peculiar skillset. A crusade was coming to Arcadia and he would have all the playthings he ever wanted.

He looked at the tracks. He was sure, the two had come here. Seemed like they had found some help. Two horses had come this way. Likely to the village up ahead. But he could see fresher tracks a larger group had arrived and left travelling west. Towards the desert.

Malacost pondered his next move. Approaching the village could be dangerous but he needed to know the two weren't hiding there. Visit the village or continue west. That was the decision he had to make now...

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