
Timestamp: Lord Commander's Office - Stoneshade Keep - Two bells after midday

"Lord Commander will suffice, Master Blackwolf." The Duke says but you note that he enjoyed the courtesy and someone that knows how to act around nobility. Although a military man you can tell he his also a man of the courts. He gets up moving to a nearby table where he pours two small measures of a golden liquid that you assume to be brandy. He passes you a glass.
"I must say I was surprised when I saw out your name among the new wave settlers." he continues and you notice a map of Arcadia on the left wall above a smaller table that holds a model of Ostiarium made of wood.
"I for one am glad to see one such as you joining us here. The place is sorely missing some class and manners." he paused chuckling. "I'm sure you will find many new languages to learn here, although writing and women might be another matter. The natives we have encountered so far are far from what we would call civilised.

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