Inquisitive Inquisitor

Timestamp: Misty Ward Rectory

Sir Eudon drank his tea and tucked into the meal being shared. He looked from the Arbiter to the Friar wondering what she had asked him already and what kind of person they would be dealing with her. Those attached to the Inquisition office were usually a unique brand of fanatic.
She seemed interest in the land and the continent.
"Well, we have not be here long. We know very little about Arcadia apart from what the first ships managed to map as the layout of the land and a few geographical markers, like the big mountains you can see up to the northwest." he said shoving some more pancake into his mouth.
"We have add limited dealings with the natives. A little trade here and there. We are hoping to change that this season. None of the expeditions we have dispatched to the interior have returned. So either they all found a city of gold, full of golden peaches and breadtrees or they all dead somewhere..."

He shrugged pushing his plate away from him when she asked about sorcery. He looked at the Friar.
"There are rumours about rituals that the natives perform that seem magical in nature..."
"But we have no confirmation of it, Arbiter" the Friar interjected almost too quickly. "That we are dealing with magik..."

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