
Timestamp: Stoneshade Keep - Courtyard - Midday

Under the watchful eye of some Knights, that came and went throughout the morning, and the drill sergeant's, the large group is put through the paces.
Mock swordplay, archery and some generic calisthenics not only to test ones' basic skills but also how they react to orders and how they work with one another.

The morning test was also designed to weed out anyone that had blatantly lied and managed to get this far and did not have none of the required skills for the jobs that needed filling. During the morning you see a handful of people being asked to leave. Most of those clearly did not know the point of a sword from its hilt.

Midday came fast. For most it meant that they got the blood flowing. The morning had not been designed to tire anyway, although some were accusing lax life styles, age and almost 2 months of sedentary life at sea.

You are told to line up and get some food and drink. A small but hearty meal consisting of broad beans and barley stew with salt pork served with a thick slice of barley bread and a mug of cider. Water wad on offer for those not wanting to drink.
Sitting in small groups, not only with recruits such as yourself but older soldiers that come out to have their midday meal. You get talking.

Lord Commander Stoneshade is the man in charge and all martial and political power lies with him. He is attended by a contingent of around 25 Knights of Salos who have arrived two years ago. They lead the day to day running of the Colonial Army, the Militia and the City Guard.
You quickly learn that most people in the Army are expected to attend to other duties like helping on the upcoming project of building the outer walls of the settlement.

You hear about a group of nomadic tribes that live to the north of Ostiarium that follow large migratory herds of caribou, antelopes and horses. Although not outright hostile they were not necessarily friendly either. Some trade takes place under special conditions. They travel south in the winter and north in the summer and pass very close to the city at the end of Autumn and beginning of Spring. It becomes apparent that the forces of Ostiarium have not travelled far yet and do not know much about new world yet. Several expeditions sent inland have all disappeared.

You hear stories about some large feral cats that stalk the grasslands beyond the forests of the bay and packs of wolves. Venomous snakes are also a big problem for lumberjacks and farmers in general and are one of the leading causes of death after starvation in the4 last few years.

It is clear by the talk around the older soldiers that the substantial increase in Army soldiers means something big is being planned by the Knights and the Lord Commander.

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