A New Day In A New Land

It was lovely to finally wake up to sun instead of a dark rolling bunk. Voah rose from her slumber and softly stepped over to the double doors that led from her room into the garden. She opened them fully, letting the breath of chill autumn morning air caress her body. The sound of fountains and garden birds met her ears. A hen cocked her head toward the door, inspecting the sudden human emerging from within. The hen blinked and, as if bored already, went about her business searching the earth for worms.

She stepped out onto the wooden patio, preparing herself for her kata. The priory had left her a small cask of fresh water that tasted so pure. Was she just accustomed to the aged water and ale that the ship provided for months on the ship?

Wearing little more than underclothes, Voah found some handholds and climbed to the roof of the priory where she got a decent view of the Misty Ward and a glimpse of the land beyond the fence.

After meditations and morning prayers, Voah washed her face with a warm towel, pulled her long blonde hair up into a silver clasp, and dabbed clove oil perfume behind her ears. Today she could outfit herself with a personal ensemble she had stowed away in the trunk that had been returned to her. Last night she had reacquired her missing things and even gleaned some information about the thief from Till, who she had rewarded with a pouch full of silver imperial pieces, which was nowhere near its worth to her or the church, but he didn’t need to know that.

Now Voah was ready for a long day of speaking and getting to know this new land a little better. She was bedecked with a white, short sleeved, brocade tunic, with a cross fold and high collar. The fabric fell across her front and back to about mid thigh over tight breeches that tucked into her tall wrap-boots. A wide brown cloth belt held the piece to her waist. Once she was dressed, she strapped on her sword and censer and joined the Acolytes for a late breakfast.

Just as she was finishing what seemed like a feast, the Acolytes welcomed in a greying, barrel-chested knight, Sir Eudon Zane, whom they had been expecting. The Friar directed him to an empty chair nearby.

"Well met, Sir Eudon." she said formally, greeting him with a Salarian salutation. That was something she would have to get used to in this place.

There was much to learn about Arcadia and, although she was a witch hunter, she was currently more interested in the land itself. What was here before the Empire moved in? She wanted to learn the exotic plants, flowers and animals. Were the locals all savage heathens or did they worship some semblance of the gods that she knew? What was their food like? Why was security so poor on the day of new arrivals? Was there any trouble with sorcery in or out of town?

She didn’t know where to begin her line of questioning or whether to ask the Friar or the knight so she remained silent until someone spoke to her.

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