Getting started

Alexis had no qualms whatsoever with that evaluation process, could even appreciate it.

She assumed that you would have to fail quite spectacularly to not be offered an occupation in any of the three task areas, given that the settlement was still growing and manpower needed.

It still served to assess both one‘s own skill level as well as skill of those one was going to work with and that was always useful information to have.

The seasoned mercenary tackled the drills with the same focused discipline that had been instilled into her ever since she picked up her first blade, her rigorous training and more than a decade‘s worth of experience clearly showing.

But she would not deny it felt good, really good, to knock an arrow and draw the bowstring, to drown out anything but the target, let the arrow fly and almost feel it hit.

And if that felt good, then wielding a blade, even a simple wooden one, being in motion, moving freely, after weeks of hardly any space, felt nearly cathartic.

She had dearly missed to train properly.

When the time came to ask questions, she inquired about a more conclusive list of duties the respective groups would serve. (As in: of course hunters are going to hunt and guards are going keep peace etc. but what else would be expected of them)

Other than that she showed interest in the current state of affairs, how the martial forces of Ostiarium were interlocked with each other (for example respective areas of responsibility, chain of command…) as well as which threats they would be expected to deal with, both current and prospective.
(Are there hostile forces? Especially dangerous wildlife? Environmental hazards?)

< Prev : Day 2 - Stoneshade Keep Next > : Working and analyzing the world.