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View character profile for: Wim Riese
Working and analyzing the world.
Wim woke to the sound of rocks colliding and then bouncing. He groaned and watched a mouse run across the floor unconcerned by his presence.
Add to my list to get a cat, he thought to himself.
The clunks outside kept occurring and Wim decided it was time to eat. Then he remembered he had no money or food. He had found himself in rough spots before but this was the worst that he had been in.
So he changed clothes into work clothes and headed out. The Brew master threw a stone and then waved at him. Then he remembered he was a part owner of a brewery that needed some repair. After some discussion he worked out a deal where he would get one meal a day for half a days work. He also learned that Till also held carry him to his “home.” He would have to thank him. Same thing of Voah.
In the afternoon, he explored the town and watched how things worked. he watched the pickpockets, prostitutes, beggars, and the thugs.