Day 2 - Stoneshade Keep

Timestamp: Two bells after midday

Armed with the letter from the Lord Commander, Boyce Blackwolf made his way into the Keep. He was curious as to why the man had called him to an audience. Duke Osdel Stoneshade, was given the military and social leadership of Ostiarium two years ago.

You walk across the courtyard escorted by a guard. You see several people that travelled with you to Arcadia being put through military drills on your way to the main building inside the Keep and where you wait in a small ante-chamber until you are shown into the Lord Commander's office.

The Duke's family has been part of the Emperor's inner court for decades and when Pilos Ursuzi II needed someone of his trust to ensure the settlement in Arcadia survived and thrived, he turned to the Duke. Already a powerful house in their own right with the promise of new land and titles in Arcadia, Stoneshade are set to become the second most powerful house in Salos, after the Emperor's own.

The Lord Commander is dressed as if he wass in a military campaign sporting the colours of the Knights of Salos, hues of red and black, and is sitting on the other side of a sturdy looking desk.

Grey blonde long hair covers a full, lived-in face. Green hazel eyes, set deep within their sockets, watch you intensely as you approach and stand greeting hi. Only than are you offered a seat.

"Boyce Blackwolf..." he starts slowly, his eyes scanning some documents in front of him. "What brings you out of the Great Library of Orb unto the streets of my city?" he asks appearing genuinely interested in knowing what a scholar of your reputation is doing in the new world...

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