Day 2 - Lowood

Timestamp: After morning prayers

You wake up with the sounds of nearby shouts and morning activity. It takes you a bit of time to remember where you are before the smell of damp and mould hits your nostrils and the pain in your face flares you up to full awakening.

You wince as you sit up on the thin mattress sprawled against one of the corners of the small room you find yourself in. You look around, it's no larger than a shed. In fact it appears to be a shed. As you make your way outside you find one of the brewmasters y0u invested in working to clear some rubble from a nearby building.

He waves at you when he sees you. Your ledger is gone along with almost all your coin, but it seems the man can see the benefits of having a minor noble as a partner in a new venture.

You later find out that a sailor named Till help the man carry you here. Your new home.

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