Day 2 - Misty Ward

Timestamp: After morning prayers

The Misty ward was the newest and smallest of Ostiarium districts. It housed the small rectory building recentely for Friar Jassin Balvaris, one of the oldest residents of the city., and his acolytes. The Friar was part of the first crew that discovered Arcadia three years ago.
When asked why he had joined such a dangerous undertaking he always claimed he had received visions from the Kupen, god of the sky, that the maiden voyage would be successful and find land.

Over the last two years a few houses had been built behind the docks to accommodate not only the Rectory but also some scholars that had been attracted or hired to come to the city. There were a couple of physicians from Salos, a handful of agronomists helping the settlers with crops and the raising of animals in the new lands. Some teachers and cartographers made up the rest of the district inhabitants.

Sir Eudon Zane made his way to the Rectory as promised. He needed to get the measure of the new Arbiter before she got to meet the Lord Commander. They had not been expecting the Inquisition office in Mizar to have sent someone so quickly to the newlands. Much was going to depend on what kind of woman this Voah Sahnsuur was.

One of the acolytes let him into the Rectory and led him to a dinning area, where the Friar and the Arbiter were sitting.
"Ah Sir Zane. We were about to break fast. Join us please." the Friar said and pointed at an empty chair.

The Knight grunted and sat looking first at the simple fare made up of smoked fish and barley pancakes. The sweet smell of blueberry tea filled the air as he looked for the first time at the Arbiter.
~Here goes nothing...~ he thought.

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