Day 2 - Stoneshade Keep

Timestamp: At Dawn

Ovelooking the emergent town of Ostiarium stood Stoneshade Keep. Aptly name by the Lord Commander, that oversaw its construction, with his own family name.

Four tall skinny, square towers form a protective barrier all around the Keep and are connected by big, vast walls made of greyish black stone.
Simple windows are scattered generously around the walls in seeminly perfect symmetry, along with overhanging crenelations for archers and spearmen.

A vast gate with thick wooden doors guard the only true stronghold in the city that leads into a sizeable courtyard that serves as training grounds for the small regiment of Knights of Salos and the elite forces of the Colonial Army, who also call the Keep their home.
The castle stands on a small hill allowing to see people coming far before they pose a threat.

You reach the Keep as dawn breaks over the Bay of Pearls as you been asked and assemble in the coutryard. There are dozens upon dozens of other men and women with you. All newcomers like you. All sizing each other and are greeted by a couple of Knights and the same sargents some of you recognise from the harbour yesterday.

Sir Eudon Zane tells you a selection process will take place, starting today and lasting for the next five. At which point some of you will be offer paid commissions within the Colonial Army for up to 5 years, some of you will join the militia and take on hunting roles for the wider community and some assigned to the city's guard.

Today is about getting to know you and your skills. The Sargents will put you through some drills in archery and basic sword fighting and you are to take this opportunity to learn and ask as many questions as you would like about Ostiarium and Arcadia

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