A Good Time Getting Better

The thickening air of tension was the breath of home that Tarmen had been missing. Once the silver sword had been drawn, he quietly moved closer to the thugs, mentally begging for this to blow up.
He also had a bit of awe for the woman. Where before he had some concern about how she would fare, it was clear in the way she carried herself with her blade that she was no stranger to combat. He wouldn't even need to get involved, as his fellow had tried to tell him before being left at their table, but if a fight broke out he knew where the best action would be.
He saw another face he recognized close by, a woman that he had gained a distant respect for on the ship. He remembered her obsession with honor, but also how well she could defend such ideals. A fine ally in a fight, though not as ruthless as he would like.
This was certainly growing into the perfect setup, not only for a brawl, but a good excuse to test the "finest" of the New World's underground. That is, unless they were cowed by the holy woman's proper introduction.

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