New reality

The three thugs listened to the young noble prattle on and on before other newcomer joined in with unbelievable expressions on their faces before they bursted with laughter. Many other patrons that were now listening in on the conversation joined in.

The man with the tattoos wiped some tears from his face in genuine amusement. Behind him one of his companions moved to place himself in front of the other newcomer.
"If the woman has to report crimes to the Knights does that mean she is going to report his lending?" He laughed at the poor argument.

"Ah boy, ya funny. Only thing ya did not threat us wiv yet was ya daddy..." more laughter across the room.
"Poison, knights, bounties, prison, Inquisitors. Wetting ya panties, are ya?"
He stood up and grabbed the bottle again, drinking from it. A little spit never hurt anyone. Plus if the wine was indeed poisoned the young man had just sentenced himself to hanging.

There were always a couple of new arrivals that thought Ostiarium answered to the same rules and status quo as the Old World and that their old status meant anything at all.

You had to earn your place in Ostiarium. Who you were before meant very little. Less so in Lowood.

"So wat's it gunna be boyo? Ya threaten' us or ya dealin' wiv us?" He asked grinning.

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