Cruel Strategy

Despite warnings from seasoned scouts and the growing stench of death that hung over the plains, the Sand Horde fell victim to the l Helians' cruel strategy. The enemy from across the sea had left the plains littered with the rotting carcasses of horses, caribou, and deer, victims of a ruthless slaughter meant to taint the land itself. And taint it did.

The first signs were subtle: a warrior retching in the early morning, another doubled over with cramps by midday. But within days, the sickness spread like wildfire. The disease, born from the decaying corpses and fouled water, tore through the ranks of the Sand Horde, though many would blame it on curses, miasma, and divine punishment. Men and women who had marched with confidence now fell, clutching their bellies, faces twisted in agony as the life drained from them. Disease and death claimed dozens in a matter of days. Panolis had arrived in Arcadia and Zinheim stood waiting by his side.

As the Sand Horde struggled with the affliction, their strength waning with every passing hour, a new terror emerged from the shadows one cold evening as the snow fell. The Craven Pack, Helian sappers renowned for their guerrilla tactics, struck the southern outer forces with brutal precision. Under cover of night, they infiltrated the camps, setting fires, collapsing tents, taking heads for the promise of coin, and spreading further panic. Their attacks were swift and merciless, disappearing into the darkness before the Horde could mount proper defenses.

The combination of disease and relentless guerrilla warfare was an unforeseen bane on the morale of the Sand Horde, who were high with expectation of an easy victory. They found themselves being slowly bled dry by sickness and steel alike.

Even with these small preemptive strikes from the Helians, the Sand Horde pressed on, their numbers still vast and unyielding.

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