Morning After

JP with mdman and Cindy

It was still dark when Islana awoke the next morning, there was a groggy feeling as if her body had indulged, when it hadn't. Truth was, the majority of the night, had been spent in that hole, the ones the Sisters like to put her in. She knew, could see what was happening outside but could do nothing on her own.

Fortunately, Ch’Truta knew, by now and pretty instantly when Islana was the past Sister Locust, and when she was herself. It made things easier.

The young leader could feel their hold on her growing stronger, it was something that could no be expressed accurately. Islana doubted there was much to be done. Hopefully, after the war, they would ease off, a bit.

Awoken, arose and now Kaithak came to her arm. He also instinctively knew when it was Islana. She opened the flap to her pavillion, and greeted the day. It would be another hour or so before sunrise but the Horde was already moving about. Fires being tended to. The hunters and fishers gathering their supplies for the catching of sustenance. Many of the carcasses had been destroyed already but more were being burned. They had to win, least the Helians build fires for the bodies of those who belong to Arcadia.

The stench of burnt animal flesh assaulted Ch’Truta’s nostrils in the morning, awakening him to the realization that they were very near to their goal. Soon, they would be in battle.

He felt for Islana, arriving at the conclusion of her absence. Hopefully, the Sisters hadn’t fully taken her. He had felt her struggle much of the night. He held tightly to Islana throughout the night as a proclamation that the Sisters could not totally take her. He didn’t mind them counseling her, but he would fight for her to keep her own mind.

Rubbing his eyes, his evening vision caused him to see the outlines of the inside of the dwelling. He stood and exited the tent to see Islana looking about the camp.

“Shall we watch the sunrise together?” he asked, seeing Kaithak upon her arm, realizing it was his love. She had won the night.

Islana looked up to him, with a mixture of love, kindness and worry in her eyes. Giving Ch’Truta a soft smile, "I would like that very much." There was still a little time before the day would start towards light. "They're getting stronger, The Sisters. I can feel it." The woman softly exclaimed.

There was more activity in the camp, as more of the Horde awoke for the day but no one, minus, the guards were near the couple, so, Islana felt as if she could speak freely of such matters.

Ch’Truta embraced Islana from behind so they could both witness the rising of the sun. His cheek, he rested next to hers, happy to experience this moment with her. Their first sunrise as a bound couple.

Her words worried Ch’Truta, as if he may completely lose her to them. He breathed in the scent of Islana. This had a calming effect upon him. They would endure this trial together.

The horizon began to lighten a bit. Hues of pink and blue started to show.

“I will be here,” he insisted. “Use me as a way to hold on.”

"I will," At least Islana would try. The sky began to grow ever lighter, soon enough the colors of orange, pink and blue illumated the sight. It was quite beautiful.

Islana said nothing as she stayed in Ch'Truta embrace and took in the colors of the sky.

Kaithak took off, probably to find a morning meal. One of the guards put food down for the Skelep. Islana felt her own hunger increase, "Shall we go have some breakfast?" She asked Ch'Truta.

Ch’Truta kissed her cheek and swayed back-and-forth with her in his arms. It was another moment to cherish with Islana. The sunset was beautiful, but not as radiant as her, even in her thoughts of what lay before them.

“Yes, my Love,” he agreed.

Islana smiled at his kiss, he had a way of making her feel safe, and when they were alone, that it was just the two of them. There was a piece of Islana that really wanted a simpler life with Ch’Truta but that wasn't to be, she would take those quiet times as they came.

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