
The next morning was bright, clear, with a briskness to the air that woke one up upon stepping outside the tent.

Islana was excited, even maybe more than the first time, today she and Ch'Truta would be bound and the Sisters would not stand in the way this time. Even better Shalia would be there.

The woman felt a sense of hopefulness, joy and youth she rarely had seen in her seasons on this Earth. The only thing missing was her other friends - especially Gonyual and Alexis and her sister, Anne- ones who she doubted would ever be part of her life again and all those now gone from this world whom she had a closeness to.

That was much lingering on all of that, as the redhead would allow herself. Today was a day for new beginnings and happiness, not lingering in the what can't bes. Besides, there would be enough to be concerned with tomorrow regarding the war and all it entails.

Putting on her finest silk robes of green, blue and brown with gold trim. Amastan had once again helped her get dressed, and placed a new crown of flowers on her head.

Curtain opened and Islana stepped forward, her emerald eyes reaching Ch’Truta, then the others gathered. It was time

This time the ceremony went off with no problems or interference, it was nice, not too long. The two drank from a cup, and then kissed. They exchanged leather bracelets with a white and black bead on them symbolizing their union. And so the two were now committed to each other - bounded.

A celebratory brunch, a bidding farewell to Shalia, for now. Then while the Horde got ready to move out the next day, Islana and Ch’Truta cemented their bond, in private.

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