The Meeting

JP with mdman, White Caribou, and Cindy

The two women spoke more, on somewhat lighter topics but once some time had passed, they had gotten reacquainted enough, and Shalia said she was ready to meet Islana’s love, the young leader sent a messenger to ask Ch’Truta to come to her tent.

With the winter coming, bringing cooler weather, Ch’Truta had to wear warmer clothing. It wasn’t yet time for heavy furs, so Ch’Truta wore clothing made from the hides of harts. It was comfortable, but not as free as the simple loin cloth to which he was accustomed.

Receiving Islana’s call, Ch’Truta smiled as he acknowledged the messenger. He gathered his spear, ensured his flint dagger was at his side, and headed to Islana’s quarters.

It wasn’t that Ch’Truta didn’t trust Shalia. At this time, all whom Islana has known were suspect. She seemed to trust them, and they were now their enemies. Islana also trusted the Ice Witch. She had been a mentor and friend to Islana. Ch’Truta was certain, the coming threat was from someone Islana knew and held dear. So spoke the forked tongue of the vision.

Entering her tent, Ch’Truta quickly enveloped Islana in his arms, kissing her cheek, then turned to face the new arrival. He studied her eyes for a moment. Shalia was not what Ch’Truta expected. He had expected someone with snow white hair with icy blue-gray eyes. At least the pale skin was correct. The eyes were not two different colors. This one was not the threat. Ch’Truta relaxed at that conclusion .

“Welcome to our numbers,” Ch’Truta greeted Shalia with a humble spirit, “Shalia Nix. I have heard a great deal about you. Thank you for all you taught to Islana. She is the young woman she is because of your influence.”

Shalia returned a nod of greeting and lowered her arms from their crossed position. Bouncing a look between him and Islana, she replied, "It pleases me knowing the little time we spent together made such an impact. Perseverance carried her much farther than I imagined." A soft smile brought warmth to her cheeks when locking gaze with the redhead, sending silent, genuine recognition. "Feared losing you completely to the desert, some ways I did, but you found so much else there."

She focused on the man again. Something about his stare made the hairs on the back of her neck stand and smile fall slowly.

"Thank you for being good to her, Ch'Truta," she spoke his name for the first time. "I find your movements and your words all matched with purpose. Must be someone very special to have stolen her heart so quickly.”

The kiss made Islana forgot for a moment that Shalia was there, but it was very momentary. She couldn't hide the smile that crossed her lips when the two, Shalia and Ch’Truta, greeted each other. They were two very important people in her life and this meeting mattered greatly to her.

Islana gave a nod at Shalia's words. It was true, the desert had given her more than at one point she could have even dreamed of. She could have done nothing to change the way things played out, she knew that now.

Islana took a seat, she didn't say anything as it was important that Shalia and Ch’Truta got to speak with each other without too much interference by her.

Ch’Truta squatted on his haunches. “You’ll have to fill me in on your time with Islana,” Ch’Truta encouraged. “I want to know as much about her as I can. She has brought good change to my life.”

The conversation continued for a while, though much of what was said, was of little surprise. Islana had already told Ch'Truta so much.

After their talk, the advisors were called in, the strategy discussion lasted longer but when it was over things were clear, they all had the same goal after all.

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