Stand together, drift apart

JP between Lucian, Omni and Bandorchu

With its conclusion, Tarmen felt a weight settle upon him. It felt warm, caring almost, but like a stern parent he felt a slight grip that hinted at quick repercussions if he disobeyed. He would need to get used to it, but it oddly gave him a sense of calm he had been sorely lacking... perhaps for most of his life.

"May they stand with you as well."

He wasn't sure what else to say, the gravity of the moment bringing much to mind but leaving little to speak. He finally noticed Alexis's absence and felt a tinge of regret. For some reason it felt like he was leaving her behind, or abandoning would be the better word, while she suffered a foreign gods gaze. It hadn't been lost on him that she had been withdrawing from them, but couldn't think of how to change that. He figured a start would be to find wherever she had gone to, which he started by trying to break the sanctified weight between them.

"I'm glad it was only the singin' I had to match, not sure I would survive tryin' to match your dancin'. We should see where Alexis went to, eh?"

Voah smiled at Tarmen’s comments, a genuine warmth in her eyes. Then she noticed Tarmen’s glance around the courtyard, realizing that Alexis had stepped away. A twinge of concern passed through her, knowing how their friend had been withdrawing lately.

“Of course. Let us find her and ensure we’re all ready for what’s to come.”

With that, she stowed her things and they started toward the door.

Alexis had not strayed far, of course, with the constant threat situation that would have been stupid.

She merely wanted to give them privacy for their rites and had sat down in the next room, idly letting her thoughts flow. She figured she could play a bit of guard while she did that, after all Voah was not officially pardoned just yet, and until she was, they might not want to have anyone walk in on them.

It gave her time to consider her own somewhat tense spiritual situation. As per usual, she could not really define it. She could, however, not deny that there had been shifts from the semi-forceful beginnings, in her relationship to the fire god and in herself. She did not know where those shifts might lead. Nowhere, probably, given their survival chances.

Voah slid the door open cautiously, allowing Tarmen to proceed ahead of her, not knowing if guards had made their way inside. Then checked the area behind her for possible brotherhood members. All clear.

“Ah, Alexis. Is everything alright?” she inquired.

At her friends’ arrival Alexis pushed herself up to standing and nodded.

“All is calm so far. You finished?”

It warmed Voah’s heart that Alexis could find some kind of peace being here.

“Good. Yes, we are finished, though… my offer still stands for you.”

Alexis’s expression softened at the repeated offer.

“I know.”
She answered, her voice carrying her appreciation.


“I will not take you up on it.”

Lip service was not her style, and that was all that taking her blessing would be in the end.
An insult to her friend’s sincere faith, the Pillars… and to Fosia.

For now… for now, for the better or the worse, her bond was with the fire god. As long as it was, she would honour it.

As if in response to that silent resolution, Alexis experienced a fleeting sense of heat, amplified by the fact that heat was something she hadn’t felt in a while. It was gone so fast though that she wondered if her exhausted mind had just imagined it.

“I understand. Is there anything else I can do to help the two of you prepare before we part?” Voah asked, wanting to ensure their needs were met, yet at the same time stalling her companions’ imminent departure.

Tarmen could see apprehension in both women. At the moment he could guess he had a similar look about him. He affectionately gripped Voah's shoulder, both to show gratitude and to hopefully calm some worries.

"I would say we are as prepared as we can be for the time. Just needin' to see how things play with the Duke and the Corpse. The Purger, I mean."

He wasn't sure if Voah knew of the cheeky moniker given to the pale man, nor if she was altogether comfortable with such insults. He turned to Alexis for his next point, seeing the clear signs of a distracted mind about her.

"Though, wouldn't hurt to have a break, eh Greyriver? After all, we ARE supposed to be thoroughly searchin' this place for intruders."

Alexis’s lips twitched into a smile and she softly chuckled.

“Wouldn’t want to get sloppy on those assassins now.”

He chuckled in return.

"They might actually prove a challenge then. Should I see about sendin' off the two whelps?"

“If there is anyone who can convince leaving their post is a good idea, that would be you.“

The Garrahn grinned.

“Or at least make sure they stay right where they are.”

Tarmen left to make good on Alexis’s complement, at the least giving the guards a reason to not grow suspicious of their continued presence there.

He also hoped to give the two a moment alone, knowing that between him and Voah, she was the more skilled for such emotional talks, especially when sober.

< Prev : Veneration in every word Next > : Bonds beyond faith