Veneration in every word

By Omni

**Translation into Helian common tongue:**

*Guardians of the Pillars, rise and encircle,*
*From hidden threats and dangers protect.*
*Bind our enemies with unseen bonds,*
*Manifest and shield our spirits from harm.*

*Beloved Hoi, O Holy Maiden and Matron of Lust and Life, fortify the bonds of us brothers and sisters, embrace us as a votive lover, shield us as a protective mother in the fervor of your nurturing arms, against those who do us, your children, harm.*

*Radiant Kupen, Herald of Daylight and the Diamond Field, shine brilliantly upon our banners and steel, guide our paths from the sky by day and night, and blind our enemies and their spells from finding their mark with your fierce and unrelenting kiss,*

*Capricious Cambena, O Great Lady of Tempests and the Unbridled Deep, offer us calm passage in our paths ahead and respite from foul weather, let your tempests rage instead upon our foes, disrupt and cast aside their foul witchery with the violent waves of your wrath,*

*Enigmatic Ereuhin, O Mirror of the Night, reveal the hidden perils before they may strike, reflect the arcane forces aimed at us, deceive its weavers, and let your enlightenments turn the tide,*

*Panolis, O Sovereign of Sickness, Harbinger of Healing and Harm, be our medicine and our balm against the evil sorcery, shield our bodies and minds from their curses and hexes and let none take hold, visit affliction against those who wield malice against us,*

*Wise Orestes, O Sage of All Known and Apocryphal, fill our minds with the foresight of your wisdom, provide us clarity against the illusions and guises of our magikal adversaries, and arm us with the knowledge and protection to outwit and resist them,*

*Mighty Vastad, O Master of Battle and Righteousness, guide our hands and our blades, temper our spirits and judgment in the forge of truth and justice, fortify our bodies and minds against the dark deliveries of the malefcium,*

*Grave Zin, O Steward of the Eversleep, the Imminent End, may you spare us this day from the ebon-shroud, may you take our enemies instead. If it is your will that today be our last, may you keep the gates to your Eternal Garden ajar for the fallen, and may we find tranquility in your welcome embrace.”*

As she completed the circle and the chant, Voah took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the ritual settle around them.

“Protect us now, from close and afar,
With sacred symbols and wards on earth and sea and under sky. ‘Neath the watchful eyes of the Pillars, let these symbols be as walls unbreachable. From the north, south, east, and west, shield this bearer from harm,” she intoned. The ritual was a plea imbued with hope that even the faintest acts of faith might tip the scales in his favor in times to come.

She looked up at Tarmen, offering a reassuring nod. “May they serve you well, my friend, as a fortress and a reminder of who stands with you.”

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