Bonds beyond faith

Jp with Omni and Bandorchu

Voah had heard many names for the Purger, and most of them were unpleasant. After all, he did have the appearance of a walking dead man. Voah pursed her lips and gave Tarmen a mock-look of slight disapproval, before shaking her head and smirking at the jest.

“You’d do well not to underestimate the man. He’s not called the Mortal Shadow of Zin for nothing. The man is fiercely pious, a zealot... unyielding and unmerciful. The title Purger is very apt. Just… be cautious.”

As Tarmen made his leave, Voah turned to Alexis.

“This new armor…” she appraised its quality and fit. “It suits you,” she continued, with a tone that noted her admiration.

“…Have you had anymore… nnn… enlightenments from Fosia?”

Alexis smiled at the praise for the armor. She would let Kane know his beautiful work was taken notice of if she got the chance.

Back to the more complicated subjects with Voah’s inquiry about Fosia, she grew serious again.

“Enlightenments… not sure how big he is on those.”

She sighed softly, continuing.

“… but I do think he is lending his aid.”

Voah nodded, “I see… well I hope he can shield you from whatever the primary force of the Brotherhood has in store. I don’t know if they made it out with any of those giant scorpions… if those witches are in their company, be wary… the one can turn you to ice, while the other can turn your corpse into a thrall…” She warned with a heavy, nervous sigh.

“…and once you restore that hammer… has Fosia yet instructed you on how to find the one who will wield it?”

Alexis shrugged. She simply didn’t know wether Fosia would or could protect her from such magics. Hell, she didn’t even know rites or prayers or symbols with which she could request such protection if there were any. She had been pretty much plopped right into this clusterfuck of faith and had been fully busy with just dealing with that. Wasn’t like there had been ample time to get to know the belief system around the fire god, which, by the way, was nearly forgotten at this point. The one person who she knew that could have taught her anything about that had died along the way, and even Tar had been pulled into this mere years ago, tasked with an all-consuming quest that most likely had taken priority over learning about Fosia himself.

She pulled some hair out of her face in a frustrated gesture and shook her head at Voah‘s question.

“No, he has not been forthcoming with anything about that. If I knew, I would have tried and given them the head, at least. If possible, that is. But I suppose you might as well not sell the fur before you even shot the bear.”

Voah nodded, taking in Alexis’s frustration and uncertainty.

“Long have I known the challenges of navigating a faith that is... silent and enigmatic,” Voah said. “...when the time is right, perhaps the path will become clearer. Only recently have the Pillars reached out so directly..." she stopped and shook her head in disbelief that she had actually born witness to their revelations. "Before now I have only found my answers and guidance in omens and intuition."

She placed a reassuring hand on Alexis’s shoulder, sensing the weight of her burden. “I just hope this Fosia means what you said about closing this rift in the Ether. I have faith in you, Gatana, that if it comes to it, I believe you could be the one to take up the hammer... ...and you know what you have to do.”

Alexis lowered her gaze.

“I hope he is truthful, too. I highly doubt I would have the capacity to recognise it if he wasn’t.”

She sighed, but met her friend’s eyes again.
She was deeply thankful for her support.

“You have more faith in me than I do. I have been feeling… out of place for a long time now.”

She admitted.

“This… “
She made a vague, all encompassing gesture.
“…all of this, that’s not a job for someone like me. It’s a job for someone, well, like you.”

Giving a crooked smile, she finished.

“Then again, I guess Fosia has rather slim pickings to choose from.”

Voah was surprised by Alexis's outward admission of self-doubt. “Nonsense. You may not think it, but I know you are more capable than you realize.” Voah smiled broadly with encouragement. “Slim pickings or not, Fosia, or any God for that matter, could do far worse than choosing Alexis Greyriver. There are few I would rather have by my side, yourself and Tarmen among them,” she said in an attempt at both sincerity and levity.


Alexis returned the smile in a more gentle manner.

“Sailing to these lands has come with a lot of hardships. But it also came with privilege to meet amazing people like you two. So in the end… I can’t regret it. Thank you, [i]piuthar[\i]. Whatever comes next, I am honoured to call you my friend.”

"And I, you," Voah replied, meeting the woman's eyes, still overcome by the warm feeling of camaraderie. Before her venture to Arcadia, she was unaccustomed to having people she could call truly rely on, that she could call genuine friends.

Voah sighed, "It pains me to say it, but... come grace or gallows, I must face this next path alone."

Alexis drew a heavy breath and slightly nodded.

“Not gonna lie. I hate it. But… I understand.”

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