One and Only

JP with mdman and Cindy

The night was so clear that it looked as if one could almost touch the stars and moon. The slight chill however remained and Islana took the opportunity to walk closer to Ch'Truta, once they were far enough from the Horde.

The lake was past where the Horde's camp ended, down a grassy hill. It was a more open area than the last lake, but the nighttime did offer some privacy.

As the couple moved away from the camp, the sounds became more distant. It certainly wasn't far enough away to drown out such a large group but did muffle the noise somewhat.

The lake was larger than the last one they had stopped at. Of course, no one was here now, because The Sister couldn't be in the lake with most of the Horde, too many things could go wrong. Still, Islana was glad for the size thinking that the rest of the Horde probably enjoyed it earlier.

She had guards with her, as usual but they had stopped far enough to offer privacy. Offering protection but looking outward.

They arrived at the water, the young Ieader got ready and quickly made her way into to the lake. The water, as suspected, was cold but warmer than the air. Just keep moving, she told herself.

The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silvery glow upon the water. Ch’Truta, his gnarled spear tapping softly against the earth, led Islana toward the lake’s edge. The air smelled of damp moss and pine, and the distant call of a night owl echoed through the stillness.

Ch’Truta shed his outer layer of clothing and joined Islana in the cool water. He hesitated before entering where the water came up to his hips. Then realizing his body would adapt to the water’s temperature, Ch’Truta dove under the surface, coming up and gazing into her bright eyes.

He laughed. “You are a good teacher, Islana,” remembering he hadn’t swam until their encounter at the first lake. Trusting that they were alone, Ch’Truta wrapped his arms about Islana and kissed her, softly at first, then it became more passionate. He could taste the honey still upon her lips.

Islana's smile lit up her eyes, "Thank you, you're a good student." As he wrapped her arms around her, she wrapped her own around his shoulders. Her passion easily met his in the kiss.

When they came up for air, she moved out of his embrace and grinned at him. "Think you can catch me?" The redhead dove into the water.

Ch’Truta laughed at the fun-loving U’Tani. He quickly dove in behind her, using the light of the moon to seek her movements in the dark water.

He glanced ahead, seeing her petite feet fluttering in the water before him. Reaching out, he was able to clasp one of them, pulling her backward and himself forward. He was now directly beneath her, enjoying this fun.

The redhead laughed as she felt his hand catch her, and herself move backwards. There wasn't any resistance from her.

The young leader shifted her body so she was facing him, "You win," she kissed him. "Now, what should your prize be?”

He surfaced again, laughing at her playfulness. It was refreshing and alluring. The kiss enticed him further.

With a smirk, he answered, “I am sure I can think of something. You have me captive with your love.”

Islana wanted to just kept these images in her mind, U'Tani and Hamia together. Every moment spent with him would be etched into her memory. If things got bad, she now had new memories to draw from.

She took his hand, and said, "We should move around to not get too cold." Diving in for another swim, before emerging.

He dove after her, enjoying the game. He felt young at heart, full of the joys and energy of life.

He was amazed at how much she had altered his outlook upon life. For the first time in his life, Ch’Truta’s outlook was live to live. She had become his very life.

Ch’Truta could not envision life without her. Her existence had become his life. Therefore, she deserved his love, his respect, his very soul.

Surfacing, Ch’Truta gave Islana another kiss, “You have experienced love before, I’m sure. Is it always like this? So joyful? So energetic?”

His words surprised her, she wasn't certain how to respond. "No, I actually haven't experienced love before." Islana really had to think. She had maybe seen it, sort of. Gonyaul and Voah, but the last time she laid eyes on them, things between the two were just at the tip of blossoming into more. Wim and Elizabeth, digging the now deceased man's fiance's name from the back of her mind. Had those two actually been in love, she really didn't know. Beyond those examples the young woman woman couldn't think of even seeing people in love a great deal of the time.

Islana gathered her thoughts, "I suppose there might have been a time or two when I had hint of a fancy for a man but it never progressed to more than that." Would it have if things had even different? Whose to say? "Most of my life there really hasn't been much opportunity for such things."

Islana thought on the Sisters for a moment before adding. "Some of the Sisters had been coupled before getting the calling but I sense those weren't love couplings. Some of the Sisters have taken men to their beds, but as a matter of physical attraction." She gently touched his cheek with her hand. "Hamia, you are the only person I have ever been in love with.”

Ch’Truta was astounded that Islana had never before loved. No doubt, she had those who were attracted to her. Perhaps, even the one who bought her. Ch’Truta discounted that as a method to show any love. He counted that as pure lust and power. Coins and possessions often elevated some to power.

He was grateful to be Islana’s first love. He caressed her cheek, stroking the water streaming down it away. He smiled, and said, “I am honored to be your first love. Know that you are my first and only love.”

"I am grateful to be yours, and to have you as mine." Islana had actually thought, at one time, that she might be destined to be alone. She knew it wasn't the truth, but at the time it certainly seemed that way.

"What do you want for the future? For our future to look like?" The redhead had her own opinions on such matters but what were his?

The future was more important to Ch’Truta than what his past held. It was true that where he was going held more significance than anything, except the here and now, with Islana.

He foresaw that she would be a vital part of his future. They were one, so must be together to be whole.

“I will be with you. As I see it, I cannot be without you,” Ch’Truta explained. “Actually, I was about to ask what your responsibilities would entail after our victory. You would still be the Sister, correct?”

"Yes, it is a lifelong position." Islana couldn't think of a situation that would change that. "I want you there, for the rest of my life, for all of it."

Islana thought for a moment. "We really haven't known each other that long but I kind of wish we could commit to each other. I mean in a way the Horde and Ozanine would have to acknowledge.”

Ch’Truta gazed into the pools of emerald. His U’Tani. He gently lifted her up with his hands supporting her, so that their faces could be eye-to-eye.

Ch’Truta kissed Islana at her revelation. After the kiss, he asked, “Would you like me to talk with the council? Let them know our intentions are pure and we would like to do things the proper way?”

"I don't know...I mean yes I want to do that. It's just, I don't think it's going to change things with the Horde." Islana said. "I don't know if that's a wise decision because there's still an element out there that believes me to be an imposter. I do not want to give them more leverage."

Islana thought for several moments. "I wonder, if we commit in private, if after the war then they would be more inclined to accept us?" It was just a thought, she really didn't know if it would work.

Ch’Truta had already personally committed to Islana. He did it the first time they had been to a lake, when they had become one.

“Is there a ritual your culture passed on?” Ch’Truta probed. “I will do so with you tonight, but if you so choose.”

"Yes," Islana began. "Both cultures actually have commitment ceremonies. The Helians one can be elaborate or simple but requires an Arbitrator and the ceremony has to do with the Pillars. Obviously, I would not use that one." Thinking back to what she knew of the Ozanine ceremony. "The Ozanine ceremony seems to be fairly simple. Any priest or chief of a Sept can perform it. If I wasn't part of the couple taking part in it, as Sister Locust, I could perform it myself. I say we talk to Aguzul and Amastan regarding the ceremony. I do not believe Izdärasen will care much to attend such a thing, but we can invite him.”

Ch’Truta’s eyes spark with a mix of determination and vulnerability. The shaman’s fingers traced the soft line of Islana’s face. Islana, her skin kissed by moonlight, was still supported by Ch’Truta’s other arm. The air seemed to hum with anticipation, and the ancient trees appeared to lean in, their leaves whispering secrets.

“Very well,” Ch’Truta said, voice gravelly yet resolute. “We shall talk to Aguzul and Amastan.”

In the Swamp, they had the Ritual of Verdant Bonds, in which the two coupling together disrobed before a sacred tree, committing to each other in the darkness, while others stood in protection around the tree. They consummated the bond before leaving the tree.

Indeed, many children were conceived during the ritual. It wouldn’t do to the Ozanine, who seemed more reserved.

Islana knew they were rushing into this, but it felt right. Everything with Ch'Truta felt right. Part of this sudden decision was wanting to give something of their relationship that made them forever entwined. Even if they get separated, somehow, the bond would always be there.

For a brief instance, images of being bound to Ch'Truta in front of everyone who was and is still important to the redhead flashed through her mind. A beautiful image, a fantasy that could never be.

The night had gotten colder, a while warmer in the man's embrace Islana felt a chill catch her. "I am getting cold, and will need to prepare for tonight." She smiled at him, "Perhaps we should get out of the lake and head back." They would have the rest of the evening together.

Ch’Truta felt her body shake in his arms and realized she was getting cold from the coolness of the water and air. He held her tight to himself, so his body could become more of a source of heat.

He carried Islana out of the water, gently lowering her to the ground. Before he would gather his outward clothing, Ch’Truta gave her some more kisses.

He smiled, then said to her, “You know, Amastan and Aguzul already know how we feel toward each other. I believe inwardly they approve, but they urge caution. Maybe,” Ch’Truta hoped, “they can see the benefit of the Sister being coupled with a man who loves her as much as I do.”

"Maybe, hopefully they will." As Sister Locust's advisors Amastan and Aguzul could not tell her no. Islana however had given them the privilege of speaking their mind, of actually advising her.

When Islana first became the Sister, what the two did was a lot of giving each other looks but not actually saying what was on their mind. She understood, they were all feeling each other out during that time, perhaps even more so because Islana was so different than the past leaders. That was not what Islana wanted, and at one point just told them to advise, really advise as it was their job. The Sisters did help in getting insights into the Ozanine people she wouldn't have otherwise, but it had been, and in some ways still was, new to Islana. She knew she valued the input of all of her advisors.

Islana put on the extra robes she had brought with her and once Ch’Truta was ready they headed back to her tent.

Once at her tent, she ordered some fresh tea as something hot would be good, then turned to Ch'Truta. "I need to get changed but I will be ready in about ten minutes.”

Ch’Truta bowed to her. He was beginning to become accustomed to being by Islana’s side. He looked forward to this as being a permanent event. Joy was in his heart.

Certainly Aguzul and Amastan would see the logic. They loved each other. He would serve Sister Locust because the true personality behind her was Islana.

Ch’Truta also hoped the servant remembered his instructions concerning the tea. He would try it first, of course, to protect her from any danger.

Islana hadn’t asked for the special tea, because there were still things to do that night. She had asked for mint tea, and would have the other later.

She bid Ch’Truta a goodbye for the moment went in to get changed. Kaithak was perched in his nesting area, settling in for the night. The weather here seemed to suit the falcon better than the heat of the desert.

She scratched the bird's head. "Well, Kaithak there might be one more thing for you to do today.”

< Prev : Pact and Parting Next > : The Edge We Need