Pact and Parting

Hidden Glade - Outskirts of Ostiarium
Jp with Omni and Winteroak

The old Knight suppressed a sigh. Ever since he'd been exiled to these lands by the Emperor he had served faithful all his life, he'd felt that his days were numbered. And that every waking day since he stepped on that boat with the first wave of explorers and settlers, was leading to something monumental. Something he would likely not survive. He looked at her blue eyes. So much he wanted to tell her. How they had hoped against hope that she was not another zealot when she arrived, the respect she heard when she proved to be nothing like that, and the profound disappointment and consequences her dubious choices had brought upon them all.

They could use her. The Pillars only knew that the decimation of the Silent Flock during the slaughter of the Odsier was going to leave them vulnerable to the magik users amongst the enemy. He also knew that the city and its defenders were being whipped into a frenzy by the Purger and that the defenders would need that fire and fanaticism if they were to have a small chance to survive what was to come.

But he could not doubt her words carried the weight of his mistress. The Moon Mother seldomly revealed herself or inserted herself in the affairs of humans. No, Sir Zane felt the weight of her words and her warning. Without pause he reached forward with his right hand and clasped her forearm, the greeting of warriors in the old ways...

"I will speak to the Duke..." he said still clasping her forearm, feeling her pressing back. Sir Zane was a man of few words after all.

Voah returned the warrior’s clasp with a firm grip and gave a nod of respect and commitment.

“Thank you, Sir knight. I will remain discreet in my movements and interactions to avoid complicating your position further. I will await the Duke’s decision at my former lodgings in the rectory. Should the Lord Commander deem my aid to be worthy, I am at your service. And… should he reject my offer… and call for my execution… I ask that YOU, Sir Eudon, grant me swift justice, for I have no desire to endure the Purger’s sadistic torture before I go with Zin.”

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