Natal Day Dinner

JP with mdman and Cindy

Ch’Truta placed one of the plants he had gathered by the fire to help it dry. He entered his tent and began to clean himself up for dinner. After a day of hunting, he wanted to be clean at dinner time. Afterward, he gathered the now dry plant and headed to U’Tani’s tent.

He gave the plant to a servant with the explicit instructions the Red Crow leader gave to him for the tea, including the honey. The servant was to bring this to Islana and himself when she returned from the lake this evening.

Islana had gotten cleaned up, and changed, before spending sometime with the Skelep and Kaithak. She was glad that both of her fauna companions seemed to like Ch’Truta. Though why would they not, he was a good man.

The redhead smiled to herself thinking of the time spent with the man today. She felt such an ease on his presence. As happy as he made her, Islana still couldn't shake the fear that things could change in an instant.

It disturbed her that they Sisters had taken over last night, and spoken to Ch'Truta. Islana knew even if the man didn't tell her. She had the feeling that the Sisters were trying to weaken her. Islana though wasn't going to just let them, she'd fight. She had been fighting but collectively they were a force.

Islana went and ordered dinner, for the two of them and some servants set up a table inside her tent.

The evening was approaching and the temperatures were dipping. Islana fixed the wrap on her shoulders, the saw the man from the swamp approaching. "Good evening, Ch’Truta." She smiled at him. "Shall we go into my tent? Dinner should be arriving shortly.”

Ch’Truta glanced about, half expecting other advisors to be there. It had been Islana’s routine to discuss matters over dinner. Seeing none, Ch’Truta was humbled to be her only invite for the night.

“It is my pleasure to have dinner with you alone,” Ch’Truta affirmed, a smirk upon his face. “You honor me with your presence.”

Islana let a smile grace her face. "I just thought we could all use a break from war talk. If the other advisors have any pressing matters, they know where to find me."

The young leader made her way into the tent, sitting at the table, and beckoned for Ch’Truta to do the same.

Once they were seated, the food was brought in. "Being we had venison earlier I requested fish for tonight's meal." Islana commented.

Fish it was, 2 good sized fish which had been fileted. Islana didn't know the name of the fish but when swimming it looked like moving silver. When the sun hit the scales just right, it had a rainbow appearance.

Along with the fish was some root vegetable and fresh baked flatbread. Water, some wine, and mint tea was also available for partaking.

"There is another reason why I wanted to have dinner alone with you." Islana stated, sipping some wine, after Ch’Truta had cleared it.

Ch’Truta sat with Islana, admiring the beautiful red hair offset by the glistening, emerald eyes. He took a bite from his flatbread and smiled, enjoying this time alone with her.

Swallowing the bread, Ch’Truta inquired, “What might that be U’Tani?”

"I did not mention it earlier, but today is my natal day." The young redheaded leader, had finally crossed the threshold of her twentieth year on this earth.

Islana felt a little odd, even mentioning it, but assumed he didn't know. She just knew that she wanted to spend the time with him.

Ch’Truta nodded in understanding. “If I had known, I would have brought a gift worthy of such an occasion.”

Taking a sip of wine, he added, “Is the twentieth a significant year where you are from?”

"No need. My gift is all the time we have been able to spend alone together." Islana replied.

"I don't think it's more special than any other year." Islana thought. "It is common to celebrate each year. I believe eighteen is supposed to be a significant year, but I have never been to an eighteenth year celebration so I can not be certain."

Islana took a bite of food. "When I was young, each year my brother and sister would make sure my birthday was special, and we'd celebrate each birthday in the family. Once my brother passed, my sister and I would do quiet celebrations in the woods. My father wanted nothing to do with any of it. Of course, once I ended up with Vasant I had no more celebrations. I tried to forget about my birthdays, because one more year with that man was not something to celebrate. So, I guess I got used to just not doing anything but this past year, well, there was more than one time I should have probably ended up dead, but the Gods clearly had other plans. So, I just wanted to commemorate that in some way." Islana took another sip of wine. "I'm not used to big celebrations, so, I didn't mention anything to the other advisors about it." In case Ch’Truta was wondering why the others didn't say anything.

Islana wasn't certain if the others knew perhaps anyway, she hadn't seen them all day, after all.

“Then celebrate we shall!” Ch’Truta exclaimed. “The most beautiful lady in all of Arcadia deserves a celebration.”

He gave a hardy laugh and took a bite of his fish. “In the Great Swamp, the significant age is thirteen. That is when a boy and girl are considered a man and woman, responsible for carrying out the duties of such, including becoming one with another.”

Islana smiled at his proclamation.

Thirteen seemed so young for such things, but them Islana remembered Ch’Truta's descriptions of life in the swamp. She assumed people might have a tendency to pass earlier than in Helias, or at least where she's from. "The Ozanine don't marry so young, but, thirteen is when they take on more responsibilities. Actually, it is not uncommon for girls even younger than thirteen to get the call to the pilgrimage." Islana had seen enough of the Sisters' memories and heard enough of the history to know this to be the case.

Ch’Truta nodded in understanding as she spoke. He offered an explanation, “Our broods would be very small if our females did not become one with a man at thirteen. It is a matter for survival for the brood.”

Chewing another piece of the flatbread, then swallowing, Ch’Truta inquired. “Since it is your natal day, it is your choice as to what we do to celebrate.”

Islana understood what he was saying regarding the broods.

"Beyond, dinner and spending time with you? I hadn't really thought of anything else." Islana explained. She was just used to it being a simple occasion. The biggest Natal day celebration she had ever been to was Voah's, and the young leader didn't know if she wanted something like that. "Anything big just seems odd to me. I guess I'm not that great at figuring out what to do for my natal day.”

“It matters not,” Ch’Truta replied. “You and I together, it will be good!”

He chuckled. He enjoyed her presence. It wasn’t just Islana’s beauty, but her person that drew Ch’Truta to her.

“Would you like me to hold you tonight as I did last evening?” Ch’Truta asked. “You May need more than Kaithak to call you from the Sisters.”

Ch’Truta resented the Sisters for taking possession of Islana. She held her own without them. He preferred the guidance of the swamp spirits who allowed you a choice in following them.

Islana nodded and smiled. It would be a good evening.

"Yes, I would like that, very much." Islana had comfort in knowing he would be there again tonight.

She took a bite of the fish, it was really flavorful, and the redhead wondered if the cooks had managed to get some herbs. "I do look forward to going to the lake with you tonight as well.”

The thought of going to the lake with Islana brought a mischievous grin to Ch’Truta’s face as he remembered the last time they were together at a lake. The two of them became one together there under the hues of the setting sun.

“I too look forward to that,” he quietly declared. “When the cannot be near you, I hurt.”

"I wish you could always be near me." She wished a lot of things really. Like that somehow they had met under different circumstances. That they could just be together out in the open. "I really don't like having to keep us as a secret."

"So, you know when my natal day is when is yours?" Islana realizing she didn't know.

Islana listened to Ch'Truta. "Do you want there to be a particular day? Would you want to choose one if you could?"

She didn't know how important it was or wasn't for him to have a particular day for such things. For Islana it had been a way to mark the passage of time, something more significant to her than the change of seasons.

Ch’Truta thought a moment as he sipped took a bite of the seasoned fish. After swallowing, he replied, “Not know if it was the end or the beginning of the month, I would settle on the middle. The fifteenth day of Sh’daka.”

Not to change the subject, but to let Islana what to expect when they returned from the lake, Ch’Truta explained, “My visit to the healer of the Red Crow was successful. I gave a plant to a servant with instructions of how to prepare a tea for you when we return from the lake. It should bring you the rest you need.”

"That is good." Islana replied, about the plant though she wasn't certain how it would keep the Sisters at bay. "I do hope the Sisters leave me alone tonight."

Islana ate some more food, before quietly saying. "I do believe the Sisters are trying to wear me down.”

“You are a strong one, U’Tani,” Ch’Truta returned to Islana. “Most likely you frustrate them as much as they you. I don’t believe they have chosen many like you.”

He admired the spunk Islana had. She was a fighter, who demanded independence in serving the gods. As it should be.

Islana laughed, "Most likely. I suppose your right, they didn't know what they were getting when the Twins chose me." Of course, Islana didn't really know what she had gotten herself into when she started on that journey.

"The Winter Pasture, will be excellent hunting grounds." She decided to change the subject after a few moments of silence. "There are hordes if animals there, and good fishing, if we manage another area by water.”

Ch’Truta smiled at Islana’s words. Reaching across the table, he took her hand and leaned toward her.

“It will give us more opportunity to be alone,” he quietly voiced, gently squeezing her hand.

Islana felt completely safe with Ch'Truta and those moments alone with him were wonderful. "I look forward to that."

She was just about finished with her meal, and the servants had come in to check on the progress, when she asked for dessert to be brought in. It didn't take long before it was.

Honey cake, big enough for two with fruit on the top. "I requested the dessert, its my favorite." She wasn't sure if honey cake was more of a Helias dessert or something found elsewhere, such as places in Arcadia.

In the Great Swamp, there was not much demand for desserts. One ate to replenish his or her strength, not for pleasure. They did partake of honeycomb and berries during the hunt. Again, this sweet delight was to provide strength for the hunt, although it did bring delight to the tongue.

Ch’Truta took a bite from the cake. His eyes lit up at the sweetness. “I can taste honey in the cake. It is tasty.”

Islana took a bite of her own, "Yes, the cooks did an excellent job with it. My sister used to make honey cake for my birthday every year. I've not had it a long time." It was a pleasant treat.

She drank some tea with her dessert, the two complimented each other.

With dinner over, Islana asked, "Are you ready to go to the lake?" She had been looking forward to this part of the evening.

Ch’Truta’s eyes lit up once more. To be alone with Islana was what Ch’Truta desired above all else. This day was so enjoyable because he had opportunity to spend the majority of it with her.

“Yes,” he declared without restraint. “Let us go to the lake!”

< Prev : Healer of The Red Crow Next > : Pact and Parting