The Hunt - Part 2

JP with mdman and Cindy

The kiss caught Ch’Truta off guard. He smiled, his love demonstrated in his eyes.

“If you keep doing that, U’Tani,” he mused to Islana, “I will need to protect you against myself.”

He turned his eyes to where she pointed. “Is there plenty of cover for us? We don’t want to jump them.”

The woman smiled at him, with a little glint in her eyes.

"We will need to get low to the ground, we can hide in the grass and behind the bushes." Islana explained. "If we are quiet we should not frighten them off." She thought for a moment. "Just so you are aware. I do not use my magic to hunt. I did once, on the pilgrimage, but that was a life or death situation." Islana just wanted him to know.

The woman smiled at him, with a little glint in her eyes.

"We will need to get low to the ground, we can hide in the grass and behind the bushes." Islana explained. "If we are quiet we should not frighten them off." She thought for a moment. "Just so you are aware. I do not use my magic to hunt. I did once, on the pilgrimage, but that was a life or death situation." Islana just wanted him to know.

“I have always known you to be gracious and just,” Ch’Truta informed Islana. “I would not have expected less. Just the thrill of the hunt makes the blood flow.”

He spoke of the increased adrenaline. The heart beat faster. The senses heightened. It was all a part of the primitive brain increasing the chances of survival. Of course, one used the primitive brain frequently when in the Great Swamp of Still Valley.

“That is one of the reasons I am drawn to you,” he admitted. After a quick pause to return the kiss, Ch’Truta stated, “Lead the way.”

Islana easily agreed with what Ch'Truta said about the hunt. When she was younger, it was an escape. It was now a part of her. During the times that hunting was inaccessible to her, it was greatly missed.

They moved away from the water, and towards an area with less trees but far more grass. The grass was still a dark green, despite the weather being cooler here. The few wildflowers which were too stubborn to give into the changing season, popped their heads from among the green blades, giving occasional pops of yellow,orange, purple or red among the sea of green.

Islana had so missed this type of grass, taking full advantage of the moment the young woman took off her sandals and relished in the softness of the grass against the bottom of her feet. "This feels so wonderful," the young woman declared.

There was a playfulness to Islana’s voice, a sense of ease which Ch'Truta hadn't really had the opportunity to fully experience before. Right now, she wasn't thinking of the war, the Horde, the future or the past - just this moment in time. It wouldn't last, but, at least for as long as it remained it could be enjoyed.

Ch’Truta took in the beautiful Islana before him. Her playfulness was refreshing to the swamp man. The swamp was where he me had to be serious at all times. You couldn’t play in the swamp. If you were to do so, you would soon be dead.

The lightness caused Ch’Truta to laugh. It caused all worries to roll from his shoulders. There was only Islana. The fiery headed, bright-eyed person he loved. He loved everything about her, from her seeming aged wisdom, to her youthful playfulness, to the petite feet she now bared. There were currently no threats. No stressors. No quest. At the moment, there was only Islana. He embraced the moment, by embracing her, and kissing her. As he did, the spear fell from his hands to the ground.

Islana easily gave into the kiss, the embrace. Losing all sense of place or time. She didn't notice his spear drop, or anything else for that moment.

Eventually, the two came up for air. She smiled at the man, "We should get back to the hunt." With a quiet voice, it was really tempting to just give into the distraction.

Ch’Truta laughed. “Yes! You are right!,” he agreed. “I am easily distracted by the beautiful huntress!”

He leaned over to retrieve his spear. “I am certain we will enjoy venison this evening. You are skilled with a bow.”

It took another fifteen minutes or so to arrive where the herd of deer could be seen. Islana signaled to Ch'Truta to duck behind some bushes closer to the animals, she would go to some other bushes, also near the herd.

Islana quickly and quietly made her way towards the bushes. The bow she carried had been hand made in the Holy City for her, the wood beautifully carved. It was sturdy and strong, designed to help in the war. However, she had two sets of arrows for it. String steel tipped were for the battles to come. The ones she currently used, were designed more for hunting and practice. They would kill the deer quickly, with the correct shot, but not destroy the flesh in the process.

Taking aim, Islana quickly downed a buck with a beautiful rack. Islana preferred to leave the does alone, as they helped populate the herd. She also never shot the fawns, and thought doing so to be cruel and pointless.

While the target went down in one shot, a second shot made sure it was dead. The rest of the herd took off, as to be expected, Islana ran towards the downed animal and waved over Ch’Truta.

She knelt besides the buck, Islana had never stopped thanking the animals for giving their lives. And she did so know, it seemed as if she was praying or almost ritualistic in a way, even if the woman didn't say anything or make any movements.

Ch’Truta watched the shot that downed the deer. It was faithful and true. He ran to the deer when Islana motioned for him, arriving at the same time as she did.

He was familiar with the ritual. In the swamp, one was always thankful for a successful hunt, especially when none of the brood was lost to the other broods, or worse yet, the animals of the swamp. He joined Islana, reaching for her hand and placing it with his upon where one would have felt the heart beating if the animal were alive.

The life of the deer was given to bring them life. The sacrifice of life causes life to continue. Ch’Truta was grateful for Islana’s success.

Islana was glad and a little surprised that Ch’Truta seemed to not only understand what she was doing but took part in it as one would who had done it before. The huntress usually kept that ritual secret, feeling no one would understand. In Helias, she couldn't be sure it wouldn't be deemed witchcraft and get her killed.

Her green eyes looked into his darker ones. "Thank you, for sharing the ritual with me." She didn't have to say anything to him, but it felt right.

It was then to get to the butchering. Islana was able to quickly get rid of the innards, so the carcass wouldn't turn. She carefully removed the heart. "This is one of the best parts of the deer."

Judging by the sun, it was about midday. "We can finish butchering here, and make a fire. Eat some and then head back." The rest of the meat wouldn't spoil if kept in the pack out of the sun. "Or we can try to get another kill before leaving this area. Maybe some smaller targets." Just letting him decide.

The moment was solemn, almost a joining with Islana and the spirit of the deer. “I am grateful for this deer’s sacrifice.”

As he assisted with what some had referred to as dressing the deer, Ch’Truta looked up and gazed into U’Tani. The bright eyes.

“In the swamp, we have learned to use all the deer provides us. The hair, bones, antlers, and hide are all useful.”

Ch’Truta thought about more hunting. He truly loved watching Islana on the hunt. She seemed to glean life and energy from it.

“Perhaps we should eat to add strength,” Ch’Truta suggested, “then, hunt some small game.”

Ch’Truta could easily turn his spear into a blunt weapon with two rocks and some vine. He had a way to tie the rocks around the blade. The blunt weapon could then be used to knock small game unconscious. Then, Ch’Truta would break the animal’s neck before harvesting it.

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