The Hunt - Part 1

JP with mdman and Cindy

Ch’Truta bowed to Islana, acknowledging he must change as well. He departed for his tent.

The loin cloth lay folded on a rough-hewn table, its fibers woven from the bark of the sacred birch tree. Ch’Truta traced his fingers over the intricate patterns—the spirals representing life’s cyclical dance, the jagged lines symbolizing the hunt’s primal urgency.

He shed her heavy robes, revealing skin etched with symbols—a testament to his years of communion with the spirits. The loin cloth awaited her, its simplicity a stark contrast to her usual attire.

Ch’Truta stepped into the garment, tying it around his waist. The fabric clung to his hips, leaving his upper body bare. He felt the swamp’s pulse against his skin—the whisper of leaves, the distant squawk of the heron. The loin cloth was more than clothing; it was a reminder, a bridge between his mortal form and the wildness that coursed through the swamp.

Ch’Truta took a moment to meditate upon from where he came. He thanked the spirits for bring him here. To her. Then, he departed his tent, armed with spear and dagger, to join Islana in the hunt.

Islana sent a errand runner to fetch the supplies, and she went into her tent. Kaithak took to his perch.

Digging into one of her trunks, the young leader found it, an outfit she had made before leaving Gra'askt. Pants made of silk for the lightweight and breathability of the fabric, interwoven with camel hair for more durability. The other pant outfits in the leaders possession were, mostly, for the war while this outfit was designed more for hunting.

There was a top, short sleeved, made from the same material. There was significance in the outfits worn by Sister Locust, this was no different. The outfit was a light brown with blue intertwined to indicated the twin, trimed with green to indicate Islana’s connection with animals. The outfit was simple, just with a deeper meaning.

Once dressed she slung over her shoulder a full quiver and her arrow. Her Skara knife placed at her side, a hunting knife at the other side. Kaithak returned to her shoulder and the woman emerged from her tent.

Her gaze landed on Ch'Truta in nothing but a loin cloth, she let her mind wander just a little and smiled slightly.

The errand runner returned to the Sister. Two small pouches with some light provisions. Two water skins full. These were handed to Islana who thanked the boy and handed one of each to Ch'Truta. She then asked, the man from the swamp. "Are you ready to go?”

Ch’Truta hung the water skin about his neck, having it hang by his side. It was the side opposite of the sheathed dagger.

He bowed slightly to Islana, saying, “I am ready.” He would have added U’Tani, but others were gathering for the hunt. He allowed his eyes to say it to her.

Islana gave a few words to the hunters, some pointers about hunting in this land, though they were all skilled enough to not need much. She also then told everyone that the best thing was to split up in two's or three's - two people in each group being ideal. Then with a quick prayer to the Twins for a successful hunt, the hunters began to move out.

Islana gave a quick goodbye to the Skelep, as it wasn't coming with her. Then she turned to Ch'Truta, "Let us move towards the left. We can start looking for prey when we are a little ways away from the Horde.”

Ch’Truta watched her, her fiery red hair slightly blowing in the breeze. She was herself, strong and graceful.

“Aye!” Ch’Truta offered.

Walking aside Islana, he was alert, listening for any sound of movement or calls that would give away any wildlife. Ch’Truta also remained alert for any person that may wish to harm Islana although, he couldn’t help but steal a glance at U’Tani. She was beautiful, even in the plain clothes of a huntress.

The walked for a ways near the river until the Horde could barely be heard, the river had gotten shallow enough to walk across, stepping on some large stones. Across the river were a few tall trees. Talk was minimal, because Islana was also listening for animals.

"We should cross the river, I can get a better vantage point on the other side." The redhead didn't explain what she meant, but there was a sense from her that this was completely in her element. A sense of ease about hunting, which only comes with experience.

Ch’Truta held his spear ready. He walked softly, foot over foot, to deaden to sound. The terrain was easier upon the feet than that of the swamp.

Ch’Truta simply nodded, a trait he had learned in the swamp. You didn’t want to alert an animal there that you were coming. The animal could be one awaiting to pounce upon prey.

He quietly followed his love. He was there for her protection. She was the huntress. He would only strike if she would suddenly come into danger.

They crossed the river, the other side was a little more grassy, more bushes. While Islana couldn't hear or see any animals it was a good bet this was the correct side to be on.

Her eyes wandered upward at the trees, it had been so long since she had climbed one. Hopefully, it was a skill that couldn't be lost.

Kaithak, at this point, took to the air, likely to do his own hunting. It was about the correct time for it.

A tree was decided on. Islana made sure all the items on her were secured. A grin fell across the young leader's face, "Be right back."

Up the tree, Islana went. The months of not doing this had slowed her down, but only by a hair. Still making it as far in the sky as she could make it, with relative ease.

It didn't take long before she was back on the ground, "There is a field, probably about a twenty minute walk, that way." Pointing away from the river, north. "Herds of animals out there. Mostly deer." They were alone, she kissed him and said, "Let us go."

Whatever tiredness the young woman had felt was now replaced by the excitement of the hunt itself.

< Prev : U'Tani and Hamia Next > : The Hunt - Part 2