Perchance to Dream

Even the animal skins which made up the tent were no match for the brutally cold wind which was hitting the shelter. The tent was being pulled one way, then the other. The tie downs fighting a losing battle against the elements.

"Safe the child. She is special." A male voice called out, in Odoine.

A young girl with hair red enough to rival that of Islana’s herself was picked by a large burly man with a dark olive complexion, and dark curly brunette.

The girl lifted her head, Islana then saw them. The eyes, emerald green as her own. The girl could have been mistaken for Islana's sister.

The young leader couldn't move, she tried to call out, but couldn't speak. This all seemed so foreign, but familiar.

Then the world spun, the same dark hole awaited. Islana was, once again trapped. Bombarded with an Amalgamation of memories.

Eyes opened and took in the surroundings, the man lying next to them. As the eyes Kaithak, the falcon stared back, watching every movement.

They rose from where they had been sleeping and moved closer towards the bird. Kaithak, fluffed his feathers and back away. Their hand reached out - and Kaithak let out a harsh sounding, "kak-kak-kak." His alarm.

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