Council Evening

JP with mdman and Cindy

Sister Locust's Pavillion was lit with lanterns, which enlightened the silks and other decorative fabrics which hung down. A rectangular table, makeshift together with wood and stones, sat in the middle of the floor. Pillows and soft blankets surrounded it.

The Horde had a large table with chairs, but it required its own tent and was quite the undertaking to put up and take down, it seemed like too much for such a short stop and small dinner party. So, this was what some of her workers had designed. Islana thought it was just what was needed for the evening.

The Leader offered everyone a seat, shortly after arriving. Once seated, the food was served. Some braised meats, vegetables. Freshly baked bread, made in a make shift stone oven. Water, teas of hibiscus, brought from the desert and teas of mint, found nearby. Then came the wine, brought from Gra'askt.

The wine poured as people and Islana spoke up, "We will all speak of important matters, later. For now, I would like us to just enjoy dinner and each other's company.”

Ch’Truta entered and took a position by Islana. He kept a serious tone to his features, as a loyal advisor would. Ch’Truta watched as the wine was served. He held Sister Locust’s cup for the servant to pour. Then, before setting it upon the table tasted it. Satisfied, he placed the cup before Islana.

Stealing a glance, her features were as Amastan had stated. She was still beautiful, but tired. Tired and vulnerable. He would sleep close to her tent to night. Truly, Ch’Truta wished he could sweep her up and take her away from this. It wasn’t why he was sent. He was sent to help her fulfill her mission. Turn back the intruders. Ironic that she was one of them, but chosen by the twins for this moment.

When she spoke, Ch’Truta wished that it would have been true. Just the two of them enjoying each other’s company. This wasn’t the moment for it. As Ch’Truta settled in a seat, he glanced around the table, watching for anything that would give away someone that would want to harm his love.

The evening continued, Islana imparted some wisdom regarding the flora and fauna in this region and closer to the City of Foreigners. She described, in some detail, about hunting in areas with more trees and bushes. In the desert, the best places for the animals to make a quick get away was into the sand itself. In the areas they were headed to, bushes, trees, valleys, even sometimes the waterways, could all pose to be obstacles to a successful hunt. She discussed fishing, and the best ones to catch, though that likely wasn't that different than fishing the water that ran into the Holy City.
It was after, all the descriptions were talked out, and she had given substance to her claim of being a hunter that The Sister declared, "I am going on the hunt tomorrow."

Islana was still present, she was certainly there at this moment. Hunting had been a part of her for so long, she missed it greatly, and had even itching for it for a long time now. Actual hunting, to contribute. Not to get a moral of food out of lizard or fight a giant monster - not a matter of life or death - but the kind of hunt that brought sustenance and contributed to the overall good for the group.

However, when those words left her mouth the room fell silent. They couldn't tell her, she couldn't go - they wouldn't dare - but -

"Sister," Aguzul began, "You have always said - what good is an advisor if they do not feel free to advise. Does that hold true now?"

"Of course," Islana responded.

"You already are aware that you might be in danger from members of the Horde. And you, as a skilled hunter are aware that hunting accidents happen, do they not?" When Islana agreed to both if those, Aguzul, "Your safety certainly cannot be guaranteed on a hunt. You likely cannot bring guards with you, can you?"

"No, guards would make hunting difficult." Islana thought for a moment, and then turned to Ch'Truta and asked. "Would you accompany me on the hunt?”

Ch’Truta looked into the emerald green eyes, which he could not resist. He tightened his lips, realizing what Aguzul had said was true. However, this was not the swamp. Death did not lurk around every turn.

“Yes, of course, Sister Locust,” he answered, knowing the Sisters had nothing to do with the question. This was all Islana. Was Islana resisting the Sisters?

He turned to Aguzul, then Amastan. “As you know, I have pledged to let my life on the line for Sister Locust and her cause. I will guarantee her safety.”

If there was an odd man out, it was likely, Izdärasen. He was the oldest among those in the tent, as least as far as anyone could tell.

The man was bald, as many of the priests were, but his beard was the grey of a winter's day. At his tallest he might reach 5'7" Tan skin, dark eyes. While Aguzul and Amastan were the ones who knew The Sister before she was bestowed the mantle. Izdärasen meet her after. He knew nothing of the young woman before, frankly didn't care to. He was the most militaristic, focused, strategy oriented. Not hard to get along with, and he held no ill will towards the new Leader. He did believe she was chosen.

However, the man was too old to care much for distractions and as it turned out the current Sister Locust seemed to be a lot of distractions. This hunting business was just one more distraction. He though said nothing, just drank his wine.

Amastan and Aguzul looked at each other and then at Ch'Truta, the Sister, back at Ch'Truta, and smiled slightly. "Ch'Truta, we are aware of your pledge and do believe you will keep Sister Locust safe." Aguzul said, then turned to Islana. "As Leader, you can decide these matters, of course. We just hope for you to be safe."

Islana smiled at them, "I do understand and appreciate your concern and I will be safe. Never think I will be angry about looking out for me." The two were nice to her before any of this, she did indeed trust their words and ideas.

Islana then said, to Ch'Truta, "I look forward to our time on the hunt tomorrow.”

Ch’Truta bowed to Islana, commenting, “As do I Sister Locust.”

Raising himself, Ch’Truta explained, “It is a good thing for a leader to take a break from the stress and strain of leadership, do you not think? Sister Locust has been under much burden between balancing the coming conflict and pleasing the people. It will do her good to gain some time away from that strain. It is often in doing something that we have always enjoyed that brings that release.”

Ch’Truta hoped the others understood. Most of Islana’s weariness was the burden of the calling. She needed time for herself, which she hadn’t gotten much of since becoming Sister Locust.

"Yes, it is true that even leaders need time for themselves." Amastan agreed. Aguzul nodded, agreeing as well. Izdärasen did finally speak up, "If it helps the Sister focus and lead, then I agree as well."

The young leader smiled slightly and nodded, "Well, then I believe the matter is settled." By this point, everyone seemed done with dinner, Islana had dessert which consisted of fruits, nuts and some sweet flatbread brought out. At this point the talked changed to the Horde and the war. Strategy, numbers, future troop movements, advantages, disadvantages and the like. This went on for sometime but eventually the hour grew late and talk of those things grew weary. Izdärasen was the first to say he was getting tired, and retire to his own tent.

Amastan and Aguzul did so next. Which left Islana alone with Ch'Truta. She finally was able to take his hand, "Will you stay, a little longer?" Islana's voice was odd, tired. While the young woman certainly wanted to spend time with the man, this felt as if she was almost worried about being left alone.

Ch’Truta was attentive during the strategizing. He never had led any fighting unit of this size. So, he remained quiet, listened, and learned.

As the others left, Ch’Truta was happy to be alone with Islana. He merely intended to quietly affirm his love for her, when her request that he stay a while surprised him. Of course, both Amastan and Aguzul were aware of the two’s feelings for each other. Isdarasan did not, nor did others of the horde. Ch’Truta thought they had done well at being clandestine. Only the wisest saw and understood.

Ch’Truta wasn’t concerned about the council’s thoughts. Some knew and surprisingly were not alarmed.

Ch’Truta now felt that he and Islana were one. Nothing could separate them. Their love would weather any storm ahead.

Her touch brought a change to Ch’Truta’s voice. It became less formal, softer. “Of course!”

Ch’Truta placed his arms about Islana, embraced, and kissed her. He had wanted to do that throughout dinner. Now, the time was right.

His arms made Islana feel safe, grounded. Like the Sisters didn't exist. Right now, the young woman needed that.

The redhead let the man to some pillows away from the table, "Please, sit."

As she sat next to him, some servants came in cleaned up from dinner and took down the table. They were remarkable fast about it. As for them seeing the two alone, it gave the appearance of just two people being out of the way. The servants paid little attention, besides bowing to the Sister.

Once the servants were gone, Islana sat down near Ch'Truta, and leaned back into his embrace, wishing to stay there forever.

Ch’Truta began to gently stroke Islana’s hair, hoping it would bring a sense of soothing. “You seem tired, Islana. Those on the council are concerned. As am I. What can I do to help you rest?”

"Just sit with me, a while." Islana wanted to express her concerns to him, she wasn't sure if the words would come. Her eyes glanced towards the falcon, who was resting on his nesting area inside the tent.

The young woman took a breath, "If something happens to me, will you make sure Kaithak is taken care of? I believe the Skelep will find his way back to the desert, probably with the Horde but Kaithak is far from where he came from.”

Ch’Truta wanted to hear nothing of this sort. She was part of who he was now. The way he believed, he would be no more without her.

He wanted to rebuke her for those words. For thinking in that way. Those were the thoughts from the dark swamp. It was in her he had found his life.

Then fear entered his heart. Something Ch’Truta hadn’t felt since stepping foot out of the swamp, where death lurked, awaiting a victim. A tear came to his eye.

“No,” he quietly stated, “I mean yes, I will take care of what is yours, but I will not allow something to happen to you.”

He held her tighter to himself, as if protecting her from whatever she feared. “What is it, my Love?” he asked, fearing what she might say. Did she feel ill? Was she being drained by the Sisters? To where did Ch’Truta need to direct his attention to protect her?

His determination to protect her, made a tear fall from Islana's emerald eyes. As much as the young leader believed Ch'Truta, it was uncertain at best that their was any protection from what she instinctively felt might happen in the not too distant future. "I fear the Sisters might take over one day. They already control my dreams." Trying to explain what had never happened before, as far as Islana knew. "It used to be that I would dream their lives, but be like someone watching what happened. There but not involved. Now, more and more, it feels like I am, or my mind is, being shoved into a deep hole, locked almost in a box. My only escape is when I awake. I sleep but no longer rest at night.”

It sounded more insane when said out loud, Islana thought anyway. "I am not sure anyone can protect me from what might happen.”

Damn them!

Perhaps his spirits would help Ch’Truta to save his love. He would petition them the next time they connect. There had to be a way. He would not accept defeat without a fight.

What if they fight and still lose. Uctilo’rhu would not let him down. Ch’Truta had been faithful and in doing what he led the shaman to do through the spirits. Then the thought that they were out of the domain of the swamp, which was Uctilo’rhu’s territory.

“Then you must fight,” Ch’Truta urgently whispered, “and I shall hold you all night.”

"I am trying. They leave me alone more around you, at least for the moment. I am hoping they will have no interest in the hunt, but I cannot control when they take over." The woman explained. "The speech I gave, before the Horde moved out. That was them. I do not even remember giving it. Maybe, with you here tonight and tomorrow, they will let me rest for one night.”

Ch’Truta worked himself to laying beside Islana, still holding her tight. He would not let the Sisters consume her. She was not them; they were not Islana. They were not one and the same with Islana as he was. He and Islana were one.

He would be right here for her tonight. He would be right here for her every night, hoping his presence would bring her rest and renewal. She was now part of him.

Islana cuddled into his embrace, silently thanking the Twins, and the spirits for leading the man from the swamp to her. So much had happened that led her to now, this place, this time with those that surrounded her. She tried to focus her mind on Ch'Truta, on their pleasant times together. Drifting off to sleep quickly as her mind and body were exhausted.

Ch’Truta waited until she slept, hoping it would find her peace and rest in his arms. Then, he gently kissed her and allowed himself to drift to sleep, still holding onto the one he loved, hoping to find dreams of a time in the near future, after the victory, when the Sisters no longer needed to have a calling upon her. At least, in Ch’Truta’s mind, that was how it would unfold. They would push the invaders out of Arcadia, and the Sisters would release Islana to her own life.

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