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View character profile for: Islana Annora
The Business of War
Islana had no idea what happened to her - friend. It wasn't a title given lightly by the woman but certainly earned by her former owner and mentor, no matter how brief that might have been.
Anything that could bring the powerful Voice of Winter to this state could have not been good. As much as both of them probably needed to talk on a less professional capacity, for now that discussion would have to wait, some matters of state were urgent.
"Why don't we get the business part of this out of the way, as I don't think it'll take long, and then we can talk, unofficially?"
It wasn't so much a request but a chance for Shaila to gather her thoughts.
"I know about the treaty. It all seems to be good. Let me tell you where I stand on the war. I know probably better than anyone here, except maybe yourself, what will happen to Arcadia if the Inquisition is allowed to gain anymore of a foot hold here. They'll destroy everything this place is. They'll kill everyone they can, not just those like us - Magik users. The Helians have brought war already to the plains and I strongly suspect Ozaine is next. So, you don't need to convince me to raise the Hoard, I've already decided to do that. From what I've been told they are just waiting my word."
At this point, Islana closed her eyes for a brief moment and called upon the wisdom now inside her. Her demeanor changed, she suddenly seemed as if someone was almost speaking through her. Islana was still there and it wasn't what could be called a possession. It was more like she was allowing the knowledge to flow through her.
"So, when I give that word things will move quickly. I'm hoping we can be better than the Helians and not destroy those that are not involved in the war as they likely will prove to be valuable resources but I am also aware that war never avoids innocent casualties all together. My first responsibility is to the Ozainine and I'm sure yours is to the Odonine. To that end. The Hoard will be raised."