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View character profile for: Islana Annora

View character profile for: Shalia Nix
Together Again
JP with Cindy and White_Caribou
Islana had decided the meeting between herself and Shalia should occur not in the chamber for the council, as it seemed a bit much, but in one of the meeting rooms. A little smaller, more on a personal level. And for Shalia's sake, Islana chose the coolest room in the temple that wasn’t just underground. Of course, cool was a relative term in the desert.
"We're likely going to need more water, " Sister Loctus told the servants. "Before the meeting is over but that should do for now."
There were three pitchers in the room filled with the cool clear liquid but it was the middle of the day, and it was Shalia.
Looking around the room, there was a table with a few chairs behind it. "You can remove the extra chairs, we'll just need the two. Just put them along the wall."
The Ascendant wasn't joining them, as Islana wanted to speak to just Shalia. He could be retrieved later if necessary.
The opaque windows blocked out some of the rays. It along with the direction the room faced made this room light enough to work in but from becoming overly hot in the afternoons.
Everything seemed in order, Islana dismissed the servants but two of her guards stood outside the room. The new Prophetess took her seat and waited on the arrival of the Envoy of the Odonine.
Shalia Nix was lead to the designated meeting area when the time came. She had not prepared exactly what she was going to say, figuring the Seer would dictate the direction it goes. But the witch was not exactly in the most prime state of mind. Of course it had to be now when her thoughts and words mattered most.
She would have to suck it up and try to trudge through.
She swallowed hard upon the doors opening into the room, only to find that she and the familiar face were alone. The air was cooler here than she expected. Shalia approached Sister Locust calmly, bowing in deep respect, and seated herself across from the woman.
Maybe Islana had been swallowed whole. It felt like emotional whiplash to see the body of the girl she thought long-dead sitting here as a supposedly immortal leader. Shalia thought it best to suspend her belief that the redhead was still really alive unless their interaction proved otherwise--and she deeply hoped it would. The younger witch's company was missed, and Shalia knew she deserved better, but was this better if nothing much was left of the person?
The introduction felt bizarre when directed at the face she already knew, but the Seer's demeanor was not like the frightened person Shalia had known once. She looked so strong and control of her situation.
"Prophetess, we finally meet. It is an honor."
As Shalia approached and sat down, Islana's face fell slightly with concern at the injuries on the dark haired woman's face. It wasn't until Shalia spoke that the Prophetess realized that the other witch didn't know that the redhead, the one she had given the nickname of "Little Bird" to, was still here.
"Shalia," Islana had a soft tone. "I'm still me. A better version but I'm still Islana."
A brief pause to let the Winter Witch soak in that revelation before the new Sister added, "Are you alright?"
Shalia let out a heavy breath and closed her eyes briefly. Her dry lips wavered into a smile. How good that was to hear not only her soft voice but the confirmation. She had so many burning questions for Islana if only this hadn't been such a formal occasion.
She looked back to the woman and gazed into green eyes that mirrored her own.
"N-not exactly," her voice was raspy as she tried to keep a steady volume, though the difficulty was evident. She did not appear to have the same powerful presence from the last time they saw one another. Not today. How the two women's positions had shifted.
Shalia poured herself a glass of water and took a long drink.