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View character profile for: Alexis Greyriver

View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit

View character profile for: Hunter

View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro
Another Boat Trip
Posted byPosted: Jan 26, 2022, 6:26pm
Timestamp: Ostiarium Docks - Daybreak
As usual Hunter was up early for his morning ritual training and breakfast. This time he used his personal tankard to get some hot tea to stay warm. Since it was cold he didn't bother to wash up since the cold water was a bad idea before a mission. Since his pack was ready to go he simply slung it on after he changed clothing. This time he was packing two quivers of arrows since battle was most likely. Of course a good assortment of hidden weapons was all over his body in small hidden pockets that were not visible. Only a few hunting knives, his short sword and bow were visible besides the arrows. Since he was playing the part of a scout he had to look the part and not as a retired assassin. Since he talked to the twins the day before, he didn't have to worry about another sad farewell. They were clearly worried for his safety despite knowing he could take care of himself.
Once he was ready he made his way from the barracks to the docks. As he walked he was glad he had a hot bowl of rabbit stew before his trip since it was hard to eat well while on their mission. He was already planning on how he should kill the natives. If they were a threat he would aim for their heads and if they could use magic, he would resort to poisoned arrows. Though he had a few poisons to choose from, when it came to killing large numbers he preferred to use the extract of the Belladonna aka the Deadly Nightshade. The root of the Belladonna plant is the most poisonous and the extract is a concentrated part. Hunter keeps it in a vial that he mixes with other toxic saps like Hemlock, Monkshood, Wolfsbane and Foxglove.
The walk was somewhat quiet since only a few people were were up and working or heading to work as the sun began to peak out of the horizon. Hunter made his way to the docks to see the sailors loading the ship and working. Seeing as he was early he quietly waited and sipped his hot tea as he waited till he could board the ship. Once the sun was peaking up a bit he could clearly see the Hogue which is a two mast schooner that he often saw moored in the city's dock. Then the new doc he heard about was boarding and talking to some other guy about experiments and supplies. Hunter quietly listened to them and waited till they moved out of the way before he got onboard the ship. Seeing as he needed to find a spot down below, he moved quietly and found a nice quiet spot to sit and wait for the others.
As he sat and waited he decided to make some notes in his book of records. Of course his notes were in code so others could not read it. By keeping good records he would know where certain resources were located such as water, plants, animals, tribes and whatever missions he had to complete. Once he was done he put his book and wood pen away in a secret pocket. As he sat quietly he pondered how the mission would go with the other members. Alexis and Tarmen were mercs and that was very different from the holy woman and the scholar. He didn't expect much diplomacy this round so the possibility of a violent battle seemed more likely.