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View character profile for: Nicolaus Cagliostro
'The Hogue' – Departure for Sentinel Island- Nicolaus Cagliostro
Nicolaus crossed the plaza towards the docks as the bitter wind swept eddies of the wisp of snow on the ground up to swirl in his wake, tiny icicles decorated the buildings sparkling cold blue in the early light. His assistant Tolan laboriously pushed a small cart carrying several crates of supplies, navigating the refuse and following the clear packed paths created by comings and goings to the warehouses.
'The Hogue' stood gently rocking at its mooring point at the dock. Nicolaus stopped and took in the activity around the small ship. Supplies were being loaded last minute, sailors were running up and down the gangway on various errands. He could see the bright colours of several individuals wandering the deck, obviously passengers in their languidness.
"Well Tolan, the voyage should allow for you to clear up the remnants of that experiment. When I return in three days, I expect you will have secured more supply and have prepared to continue, I feel a breakthrough is close."
"I feel it is sir, everything will be ready." Tolan hefted the largest of the crates, "I will see these are safely stored and secured in hold along with your tools." He followed Nicolaus up the gangway.
Nicolaus watched the Ostiarium docks dwindle from the stern, along with it's comfort, warmth and his work. He dismissed the thoughts and turned to the bow. What secrets would this Sentinel island hold, knowledge can be found in the most obscure places. He glanced at the others clustered on the deck, lost in their own thoughts. Here were some mysteries as well, missing the Fall Festival with treating the pox outbreak amongst the loggers had curtailed any introductions to the newest arrivals. He noted a tall, strongly built woman, armed with bow and sword approaching the Captain as he watched the preparation below on the main deck. Nicolaus approached, but kept a courtesy distance to hear what she had to say.
Linen shirt and underclothes (braies), wool tunic, mittens made of leather lined with fur and a woolen coat, leather and wool short-tailed hood and mantle over a tight coif, leather and wool breeches, sturdy leather belt, leather knee boots lined with fur. Leather cloak lined with fur. Jerkin vest with many pouches and pockets.
From his belt, a sheathed knife, and a purse, small pocket pouch containing a double-sided Bone comb, bone earspoon, iron tweezers, bone pick and bone nail cleaner.
A shoulder bag: set of dry underclothes, a writing kit (small pouch with a quill, a bottle of ink, folded parchment, and a small penknife. Little bag of sand, book of lore, a notebook, and a pouch containing small amount of money. A woolen cap and a horn fire-piston with a small amount of dry tinder.
A satchel with medical tools and various elixirs and such.
Chymist Supplies: two glass beakers, a metal frame to hold a beaker in place over an open flame, a glass stirring rod, a small mortar and pestle, and a pouch of common alchemical ingredients, including salt, powdered iron, and purified water.