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View character profile for: Islana Annora
The Need To Help
A hazy feeling lingered this particular morning. It was the kind of feeling that made one not want to leave one's residence. It was probably just the cold or perhaps the feeling that luck never had an endless supply and wondering when hers would run out
Islana reluctantly awoke, then added help of a splash of the cold water which hit her face to allow herself to become fully awake.
She pulled out her crusty bread and a piece of hard cheese she had gotten for today's breakfast; her eyes locking on the food which left her no pleasure.
It was early and Islana was hungrier than most mornings. She quickly decided to spend some time getting a more proper morning meal.
She got ready to go. Double counting the money she had and then putting on her coat before putting her pack on. Islana also took her bow and quiver full of arrows.
The young woman never left her bow behind, never knowing when one might need such a weapon but also she was hoping for some target practice, in order to keep her skills sharp despite the lack of hunting prospects over the season.
Islana made her way through the streets stopping at one of the food stands that held a stew of sorts. She sat down and silently almost ritualistically thanked the animal she was about to partake in for giving its life so she might have food. If she was alone, in the woods, it probably would have been said out loud but Islana was aware many people thought that custom odd. Still, it was a ritual she had inexplicably started in childhood and continued doing so until this day. To not do so would have left an unsettled feeling inside of her.
The pleasant aroma filled her senses before she took a bite and no time was wasted in putting the first bite into her mouth. The stew warmed her and while the bites were savored, soon enough she was finishing the bowl.
Once she had finished she went back to walking through the city. She had been requested at the butcher’s today instead of the tanner’s and at a later start time, her target practice would come later, which gave her the morning to wander a bit.
There was the definite feel of winter, making the air crisp with an amount of cleanliness to it. Islana allowed the air to fill her lungs. There was something pleasant about the start of winter despite the cold.
Wandering through the streets she kept her eyes constantly looking around her. Always aware of her surroundings. It was this awareness that made her see three young people, most likely labourers, surrounding an older man almost the same time she heard them. The man looked to be a vagrant.
Insults were being hurled at the old man as sharply as any fist could. The old beggar looked frightened. People in Ostiarium tended to work, if they were able. Or at least that has been her experience, for the most part. To not contribute and to be a beggar was not tolerated well. Islana knew all this but still she tended to side with people like the beggar more assuming the old man probably couldn't work for some reason. The reason why didn't matter so much.
Islana tried calling out, "Stop, leave him be." But it fell on deaf ears with only a few snickers and the kicking over of the man's beggar bowl as the response. As the sound of an a single coin hit the ground Islana felt an anger grow inside of her
The early time of day and location meant there weren't many people around. Checking her surroundings she made sure no one else was around. She positioned her bow and aimed her arrow. Directly at the young labourers.
"I repeat...stop!" Her voice was louder and authoritative.
The labourers looked at her, not seeming too pleased that someone would interrupt their fun.
"Wha'd a little girl, like ya, gonna do with that?" One of the labourers asked.
Another commented, "Ya, you don't scare us. Bet ya not the skill to shoot that thing."
Islana knew she could have walked past, nothing would have come of her not involving herself in the situation. Nothing but the overwhelming guilt she would have felt. Her desire to help, many times, was overwhelming and not easily ignored.
Islana's aim remained steady as she spoke, "Testing that might not work out well for you." Then waited to see what the labourers would do next. Secretly, wishing she wasn't having to face three of them on her own but that wasn't fear so much as logic.