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View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
As Gonyaul sat in a corner of the room his eyes were drawn to the hole he had made in the side wall of the building. He saw a flash of light, briefly sparkle outside, as another object flew through the air, cracking against the floor of the building. The smell of oil again assaulted his senses, and he immediately saw a torch being thrown inside.
Flames leapt up illuminating the room he was in. Mostly made of stone, dry mud and limestone, there was little chance this would blaze would spread as fast as the one in their camp had but it provided his attackers would light to better be able to locate their quarry.
From the corner of the room now awash with the bright orange glow of light, Gonyaul saw the woman with the sling dart into the building holding a long sabre, followed by the archer.
He could hear the sounds of steps high on the rooftop as well...