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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux

View character profile for: Malacost Spuria
Inquisition? Wink Wink
JP with Omni and Lorem:
Gonyaul turned and bowed again to the man, as if it was the first time noticing him. It was clear the young vauxian was frazzled from the long evening and less obvious irritable due to hunger, but was starting to calm down now that he had a chance to vent his building frustrations. Gonyaul closed his eyes and took a deep breath, like an active volcano willing itself to go dormant. With each breath his expression and body language relaxed. He accepted her apology and now it was time to move on.
Gonyaul opened his eyes and turned now to face both. “Please let me see to hurts, yes?” He offered to administer some first aid, having learned a thing or two in the company of Nicolaus, Voah, Islana and Alexis.
With her back to Alcuin Voah signed in Vauxian that the man didn’t yet know that she left the Inquisition. She winked at Gonyaul, hoping he would understand to try to play along.
“I’m ok. Have a rest. I will take care of it. You are so tired.” she urged him with a touch in the cheek.
Gonyaul followed her meaning, in part because she used vauxian to convey it. His own language made sense to him far more often than things said in other languages. He winked back, not knowing he probably should not do that since Alcuin could see his face; however, Gonyaul was so bad at winking that it truly looked like him just blinking tired eyes or an itch in the corner of one’s eye.
He was on the same page in understanding, though simultaneously he was concerned. Vauxians don’t lie. Hopefully Voah remembered that fact and might be able to run interference should it come to that.
He tilted his head into her hand as she touched his cheek. It was his way of in that moment, with a witness present, to show that he loved her and desired connection despite all the drama.
Gonyaul politely replied, “thank you, but no bui’jah.” He pointed to her bleeding with a dumbfounded expression. “Not ok.” He pointed to Alcuins wound. “Not ok”. Why on earth would she try to sell him on that being wounded was no big deal.
He started collecting the necessary materials they had at their disposal to begin addressing their wounds. It was obvious he wasn’t going to be stopped. “Compromise… you fix friend. I fix you. Same time, less blood lose. Deal?” Then they could all rest together.