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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux

View character profile for: Malacost Spuria
Strange Tale of Fate
JP with Omni and Lorem:
Voah smiled with a sigh at the caring stubbornness of Gonyaul. She looked at Alcuin and cocked an eyebrow.
“He’s not wrong. I can help you patch that up properly if your willing, Alcuin.”
Already, Voah was taking off her outer robe, making it more evident that her hair was no longer blonde and her skin was dirty and darker.
Gonyaul was prepared to begin working on Voah. Bandages were at the ready for cleaning the wound, a pot full of water from their water-skins that had been boiled yesterday would aid in that process, as well as clean bandages to wrap everything nice and tight if stitches didn’t need to be administered.
He had noticed earlier that her hair was dark once more. He also had smelled, when her hand cupped his cheek, the scent of the dye she had used as well as the hint of sweat mixed with the grip of her blade. In addition to the scent of blood in the room, it was an unusual combination.
He assumed, like before, she was trying to disguise herself due to the trouble they might be in with locals. He was not prepared though seeing her skin as dark as it was. Now he was playing back in his minds eye his time at the gathering. He may not have noticed her scanning the crowd if he was looking for a fair-skinned, blue-eyed blonde woman.
He couldn’t wait any longer to ask, he had been patient enough. “What happen?” It was primarily directed at Voah; however, at this point anyone answering with the truth would be nice.
She didn’t want to paint herself as weak or guilty, so she kept it vague to start.
“Swords and sorcery… it is a strange tale of fate, you might say. I was drawn to the basilica… found myself stuck for a while before being attacked by a dangerous man in the alleys. As I led him away from here, it seemed impossible to lose him. It’s quite possible that he was a Sorcerer. I chanced upon a scene of unquestionable magik. Alcuin here was fighting for his life as well. An Odonine witch from Fang. He has informed me that this witch enslaved Islana and sold Hunter to a clan… I know you two were close… and they were out there looking for me.”
She said it more matter of fact than with emotion, which Gonyaul would have picked up on.
Gonyaul was lovingly tending to the cut on her arm and thigh, perhaps more gentle than a true physician would have been. He made mental note of the sanguine path, he was trying to erase, as it flowed slowly down her beautiful limbs. He frowned slightly seeing her hurt and tried his best not to add any more pain.
He had no forensic experience and not even an average understanding on the variety of blades that existed. He couldn’t tell what caused the slashes, other than it was sharp. And whoever did it must also have been skilled, because he knew Voah to be excellent with her weapon and in a fight.
Her words made him think back to something he once overheard, and misunderstood, the disgruntled Sgt. Carver complain about while he was briefly a guest at the keep. ~those that buy by the sword die by the sword~ What a strange saying he thought to himself. Hopefully Voah didn’t buy her sword.
Gonyaul listened and started wrapping her arm and leg now that he had cleaned them thoroughly. He did not like the sound of all this attacking and animosity. What did peak his interest more than anything was the part about Islana.
“Islana slave, and owner here? Islana here too?” His spirit of hope swelled like a bird about to sing with joy. Could it be that he would have the chance to see her again?
He gave a pregnant pause as he smiled wishing for a reunion with Islana. It then dawned on him that the witch must have gotten away.
“Fang woman all right?” He intentionally did not say witch, a term he did not care for because of its derogatory connotation. To Voah, she would understand that Gonyaul actually was hoping that the woman was ok. To Alcuin it would sound more like his broken Helian speech asking if she survived like they did.
Voah worked simultaneously on Alcuin’s wound. (If he allowed it)
She heard the hope in Gonyaul’s voice, but she knew better, or at least what Alcuin had told her.
“Yes, the witch unfortunately escaped.” she didn’t falter in naming her life long enemies.
“As for Islana… well… you were just about to explain how it all went down Alcuin?”