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View character profile for: Tarmen Frespit
Into the Labyrinth
Left to his own once more, Tarmen for once felt lost. He didn’t know this land and was now going to be amidst a true sea of city. He was definitely out of his element.
Walking back to the camel, he stood for a moment looking at their supplies. At this point there was no use for any of it, though he still rummaged through just in case. The last bits of food and their water skins were readily grabbed. He was glad to see she had taken the dagger, hopefully it would serve her well.
Patting the beast's side as if it confirmed their goodbye, he moved to the strange object she had been so drawn towards.
He had been asking Silina about the obelisk, with no answer, and with the sudden commotion he only had more questions. Looking at it closer, he saw nothing special outside of what it would mean for those of faith. He hesitated a moment before running his hand over the smooth stone.
Once again, nothing but a chunk of rock to him. He wasn’t sure what he expected, but he also wasn’t disappointed when nothing happened.
Turning to begin his journey into the city, he gripped his machete handle at the sight of several people surrounding the camel. Based on their scout slapping the tallest one's shoulder, they had planned to steal it and hadn’t gotten that far.
The man that seemed to be their leader held up his hands and moved away while shielding his crew, eyeing the blade with suspicion.
Looking them over, Tarmen wasn’t ready to deal with more drama and tossed his head towards the buildings. A deal the others looked ready to take, but a woman stopped them. She looked close in age to the man, but the way she spoke to him held authority. Maybe they were together, but she definitely held the sword. She snatched a bag from his belt, then turned to Tarmen with a blur of words.
He didn’t think they would be as forgiving of being Helian as Silina had been, so chose to be a mute.
He understood there was money involved, but couldn’t translate exactly what she wanted and it didn’t take many guesses to figure it was the camel.
Holding his hand out, she looked ready to bargain until he tapped on the blade, then slowly emptied the coins into his open palm. He guessed about 40 pieces, which at the moment put him at…. About 40 pieces.
Feeling the weight of money on his side again gave him some comfort against the task at hand. Plus not having to guide the camel along would make it easier to move about this labyrinth. He just had to hope Alexis was somewhere in there.
For the remainder of the night however, he wanted a bed and something other than water to drink. Hopefully he wouldn’t need to talk to get either.