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View character profile for: Voah Sahnsuur

View character profile for: Gonyaul'vaux
A Vaux Ukayiek
JP with Omni and Lorem:
Yes, a private ceremony it would have to be. All of the details of what, how, and where were still up in the air, like butterflies hovering over a favored bush.
"I never really imagined how this could play out for me... and I've never even been part of a wedding other than in an auxiliary capacity. Not since I was a child anyway and I didn't really understand such things fully back then... For one thing, The Grand Revelry did not practice a typical lifestyle."
She was quiet for a moment, considering the whole thing.
"In my experience, Mizaran weddings can vary pretty wildly... but almost always include a celebration with family and close friends. We won't have the pleasure of that, nor any witnesses, nor an Aspect of Hoi to officiate... unless I can count myself."
By now she was fidgeting and biting her lip.
"I know that Mizaran weddings often include traditions to honor and bring together both families... we can honor each other with traditions and vows of our own. You and I have already, inadvertendly, practiced some of these traditions. We have exchanged personal gifts and sworn ourselves to each other. I have some others in mind, if you approve. As for the Pillars... we need only include the rites of Hoi."
And like a golden haired fox, she smiled, tonguing a canine tooth at the thought, while entangling her fingers with Gonyaul's.
"I'm curious, what is required for a Vauxian wedding?"
Gonyaul’s smile was beaming as they conversed, hand in hand. It was always interesting to hear Voah speak of her upbringing and another culture. It made Gonyaul appreciate the diversity that existed in the world; however, it meant more coming from her, because he desired to be deeply invested in her life.
He blushed once more as he witnessed her dexterous tongue nimbly tease her canine while framed by her gorgeous smile. The power of her facial expressions to levitate his arousal never ceased to amaze. He found his eyes lingering longer than anticipated on her soft lips and he felt a wave of thirst tremble across his own.
Her question sent Gonyaul into a detailed description of the intricate design and ceremony of a Vauxian wedding. As long as she retained cues of interest, he felt confident to continue at length; offering colorful side commentary as well. The summarized highlights were likewise shared as follows:
“A Ukayiek ceremony is beautiful climax to love courtship of matched couple. It is many many years in the make, building to the day. Entire people have a part during the lives of the two to be joined together. And on the day the entire village is present to take part and celebrate.”
When there are slightly less than a hundred Vauxians left in existence, when Gonyaul said everyone was involved, he literally meant everyone.
“While village decorate, cook and prepare the ceremony, man and woman are take to be made ready. Receive bath with scented oil, massage with lotion made from flowers, and hair and makeup. Entire body scrubbed with mixture of honeycomb and salts so skin from head to heel soft and sweet.”
He had never experienced this other than witnessing it. He was particularly skilled at braiding hair and had helped do that when he was younger.
“Once done, both are dressed in a special Arisha Ikeburer. Then both will meditate apart for hours while Elders also have them recite the Ieknak On Oinihs verses on relationship using hands.”
Gonyaul perked up as if he remembered an important detail. “I almost forget. No talking during this with mouth. All in silence and hand language. Speaking come later when time is right. Only sounds are nature, chimes dancing from breeze and music playing.”
He paused and visualized the next series of events from his childhood days.
“When time come Elders and village begin dance. It resemble a living design of art if seen from up in the trees. The man and woman are at the center. When time come, man dances with tool of choice and then woman for each other. After dance, the two take turns wash other feet in front of all village. Next, the Elders braid the sleeves and arm wraps from Ikeburer together of the two. They begin the dance slow. The movements weave and wrap themselves more and more until they are entwined. Then man takes woman behind a curtain. I no see what happens next but was taught for when my day came.”
He blushed and continued. “They continue dance in private. It meant to untangle themselves and remove each other clothes. When all is revealed, the man initiates binding the woman. Both blindfold self with meditate wrap too. Without eyes, man explores her body following the instructed path to bring to edge of pleasure but no beyond yet. Then tide turn and woman binds man and unseeing explores.”
Gonyaul was getting flustered because his mind was jumping ahead and visualizing himself and Voah in such intimate acts.
“Where man carry woman inside to bed, now woman makes move to ‘carry’ man inside. At this point their voices are allowed to sound and blindfolds removed.”
He shrugged. “Village celebrates with singing and dancing. A feast takes place and food and water is brought to the lovers. They won’t be seen again for about a week, whatever a quarter cycle of a moon transform is, and remain in wedding tent. Needs are catered too during this time. When they do come out, village see them not as two but as one.”