Prepping Cryo

CSCSS Nomad - A Deck - Cryo

In the brightly lit cryodeck, Xera and Ander, the ship's new synthetic crew members, worked diligently to calibrate the cryo pods which lined the room. Each pod was designed to sustain life through the long journey ahead.

Xera, with her hands moving stiffly over the control panel of one of the pods, adjusted the settings with a slow precision. The screen before her displayed a myriad of readings and diagnostics, each flickering and changing as she input commands.

"Cryo pod ten's calibration is now optimized for a 98% synchronization rate with canine biometrics," she announced in the buzzing tone typical of a Working Joe. While devoid of true emotion, it did manage to carry an undertone of satisfaction.

Ander, on the opposite side of the room, was engaged in a similar task. He was inside the pod, physically adjusting some of the internal mechanisms. "Temperature and oxygen mix within pod four are now within optimal ranges," he reported, his voice echoing slightly from within the chamber. Once satisfied, he stepped out, his gaze briefly met Xera's, their eyes glowed with a silent exchange of data and progress between them.

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